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The Potential Evaluation of Shale Gas Resources of Lishu Fault Depression in Songliao Basin


刘福春 1   程日辉 1   解启来 2 *   胡望水 3   汤济广 3   李忠博 4   杨秀辉 4   徐浩 5   周隶华 6  
文摘 松辽盆地梨树断陷纵向上发育白垩系沙河子组和营城组两套主力泥页岩烃源岩层系,其沉积环境有利、厚度大、分布广。沙河子组以Ⅱ段页岩气地质条件最好,其w(TOC)分布范围为0.11%~8.20%(平均值1.45%);营城组发育两段优质泥页岩,Ⅰ段w(TOC)为0.26%~12.01%(平均值1.96%),Ⅱ段w(TOC)为0.06%~5.03%(平均值1.06%)。有机质类型以Ⅱ_1-Ⅲ型为主,含少量I型。沙河子组R_o普遍较高,断陷西部基本进入过成熟阶段,缓坡带处于成熟-高成熟阶段。营城组R_o变化范围较大,小城子、孤家子和十屋地区R_o达到2.00%以上。两套泥页岩脆性矿物体积分数为32.10%~62.90%,具有较好的储集性能。断陷内有多口探井在沙河子组和营城组的厚层泥页岩段钻遇高气测显示。营城组I段泥页岩含气量为0.62~3.09 m~3/t。采用概率法初步预测出沙河子组和营城组页岩气资源量为6 645.34× 10~8 m~3。秦家屯地区和苏家屯次洼为页岩气勘探的有利目标区,桑树台深洼带为较有利目标区。
其他语种文摘 Two sets of main hydrocarbon source rocks, Shahezi Formation and Yingcheng Formation, developed in the Lishu fault depression of Songliao basin, which had a favorable sedimentary environment, large thickness and wide distribution. The member Ⅱ of Shahezi Formation possessed the best conditions of forming shale gas, its TOC distribution range was 0.11%-8.20% (average value was 1.45%); Yingcheng Formation developed two members of high quality mud shale: TOC distribution range of the member Ⅰ was 0.26%-12.01% (average value was 1.96%),and that of the member Ⅱ was 0.06%-5.03% (average value was 1.06%). The main organic matter types were Ⅱ_1-Ⅲ, with few was type Ⅰ. The vitrinite reflectance (R _o) in Shahezi Formation was generally higher, whereas, in western fault depression it basically entered into over-mature phase, and it came into mature to high mature phase in gentle slope belt. In Yingcheng Formation, the range of variation of vitrinite reflectance (R _o) was large, and it reached over 2.00% in Xiaochengzi, Gujiazi and Shiwu. Mass fractions of brittle minerals of two sets of mud shale were 32.10%-62.90% which represents good reservoir properties. In the fault depression, there were several exploratory wells drilled with high gas logging show in the thick layers of mud shale in Shahezi Formation and Yingcheng Formation. The gas content was 0.62-3.09 m~3/t in the member Ⅰ of Yingcheng Formation. With assessment by using the probability method, we preliminaryly forecast that Yingcheng Formation and Shahezi Formation possess shale gas resources amounting to 6 645.34 ×10~8 m~3. It is believed that Qinjiatun region and Sujiatun subsag are favorable target areas of shale gas exploration, and Sangshutai deep subsag belt is a relatively fine target area.
来源 吉林大学学报. 地球科学版 ,2014,44(3):762-773 【核心库】
DOI 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201403105
关键词 页岩气 ; 资源潜力评价 ; 白垩系泥页岩 ; 梨树断陷 ; 松辽盆地

1. 吉林大学地球科学学院, 长春, 130061  

2. 华南农业大学资源环境学院, 广州, 510642  

3. 长江大学地球科学学院, 武汉, 430100  

4. 中国石化东北油气分公司勘探开发研究院, 长春, 130062  

5. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州, 510640  

6. 新疆油田采油一厂, 新疆, 克拉玛依, 834000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-5888
学科 地质学
基金 国土资源部油气资源战略研究中心页岩气资源调查项目 ;  中国地质调查局油气调查项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5165526

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2 邹友琴 水文地质条件对页岩气开采控制 吉林大学学报. 地球科学版,2016,46(3):824-830
CSCD被引 0 次


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