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Suppress Jamming Technique of Multiple False Targets onInterrupted-Sampling and Non-Uniform Periodic Repeater


文摘 针对采用均值类恒虚警检测方式的线性调频脉冲压缩雷达,本文提出间歇采样非均匀重复转发(ISNPR)实现多假目标压制干扰的方法.首先阐述了间歇采样转发干扰(ISRJ)产生多假目标的机理,同时对多假目标压制干扰的假目标参数进行了推导,包括假目标个数和信噪比.然后结合间歇采样重复转发干扰(ISPRJ)的数学原理,对间歇采样非均匀重复转发干扰(ISNPRJ)的多假目标压制效果进行了理论分析,并推导了干扰机参数如采样脉冲宽度、间歇采样周期、转发脉冲宽度以及发射功率的计算方法.最后对ISNPRJ的多假目标压制效果进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明该方法能够降低雷达对目标的检测概率,实现对雷达检测环节的有效压制.
其他语种文摘 A multiple false targets method based on interrupted-sampling and nonuniform periodic repeater jamming (ISNPRJ) and against to the linear frequency modulation (LFM) pulsed radar with mean level (ML) CFAR detector is proposed.Firstly,the principle is illuminated which takes advantage of the interrupted sampling and repeater jamming (ISRJ) to realize the distribution of multiple false targets.After that several key parameters both the number and the SNR of the false targets are derived.Then jamming effectiveness of the ISNPRJ is analyzed on the basis of the mathematics principle of the interrupted-sampling and periodic repeater jamming (ISPRJ),meanwhile,numerical value of the sampling interval,the sampling pulse width,transmitted pulse width and the transmitted power are calculated.Simulation results show that ISNPRJ can reduce the detection probability of target greatly and jam the radar's detector effectively.
来源 电子学报 ,2016,44(1):46-53 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.0372-2112.2016.01.008
关键词 间歇采样 ; 转发干扰 ; 恒虚警检测 ; 多假目标 ; 压制干扰

北京理工大学信息与电子学院, 北京, 100081

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5701442

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