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Research on Vulnerability Assessment of Human-land System of Anshan City Based on Set Pair Analysis


韩瑞玲 1   佟连军 1 *   佟伟铭 2   于建辉 3  
文摘 脆弱性评估是当前脆弱性研究的一项重要内容,其已成为分析人地系统相互作用的过程与机理的有效工具之一。应用集对分析方法和熵权法,根据鞍山市经济发展的资源依赖特征、社会就业的不稳定特征、资源型城市生态环境破坏相对严重的特征,评估了1990-2009年鞍山市经济系统、社会就业系统、生态环境系统3个系统各自的敏感性、应对能力和脆弱性,进而对鞍山市人地关系的脆弱性程度进行了评估。文章发现,鞍山市人地系统作用关系属于低敏感型、高应对能力型,其相对于其他东北地区资源型城市具有较好的可持续发展基础,未来发展应注重降低经济系统的敏感性,并积极提高其应对能力。
其他语种文摘 Vulnerability assessment framework in sustainability science has properties of multi-scale,multi-element,multi-flow and multi-cycle,so vulnerability assessment is a new research paradigm in the realms of global environmental change and sustainable development,and provides an effective tool for the study of interaction mechanisms and processes of coupled human-land system.Based on the dependence of economic development on resources,and the instability in employment,and the ecology being relatively disrupted,the vulnerability assessment indexes of Anshan city are established.By using the set pair analysis and the entropy method,the essay analyzed the sensitivity,response capacity and vulnerability level of the economic system,as well as the employment system and the ecosystem.Then the vulnerability of human-land system of Anshan city are tested and the evolution of vulnerability characteristics during 1990 to 2009 has been revealed.The relationship of human-land system of Anshan city belongs to the lower sensitivity and higher response capacity type.In comparison with other resource-based cities in Northeast China,the human-land stability of Anshan city is stronger,and the vulnerability is relatively weak,which means that Anshan city has lower sensitivity and better response capacity to the complicated human-land system.The sensitivity of Anshan city has a declining trend,and the economic sensitivity is bigger than the environmental sensitivity and the social sensitivity.The response capacity of Anshan city shows a rising trend,and the environmental system is more evident than the social system and the economic system.There is a rising trend for vulnerability of Anshan,and economic system is most vulnerable.The paper reflects that Anshan city has better potentials to develop a sustainable economy,but attention should be paid to lowering the sensitivity of the economic system and to increasing the response capacity.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2012,31(3):344-352 【核心库】
关键词 集对分析 ; 人地系统 ; 敏感性 ; 应对能力 ; 脆弱性 ; 鞍山市

1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春, 130012  

2. 东北师范大学城市与环境学院, 长春, 130024  

3. 国家开发银行河北省分行, 石家庄, 050051

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论;环境质量评价与环境监测
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4491893

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