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Seeing the 20th Century Warming from Temperature Changes of Winter-Half-year in Eastern China for the last 2000 Years


郑景云 1   葛全胜 1   方修琦 2  
文摘 以重建的过去2000年中国东部地区冬半年温度距平序列为基础资料,从温暖程度、冷暖变化速率和历史相似型3个方面,对20世纪增暖在过去2000年中的位置予以了详细分析。结果发现:虽然20世纪暖期的温暖程度非常明显,但至目前为止,其温暖程度和波动幅度均没有超过过去2000年曾经出现过的最高水平。20世纪增暖实质上是气候从寒冷阶段(小冰期)向温暖阶段转变的快速升温过程,速率虽非常大(1.1 ℃/100年),但这一升温过程与过去2000年中其它气候由寒冷阶段向温暖阶段转变的过程相似,并不是唯一的。其中从百年际波动看,20世纪暖期的温度距平不但低于中世纪暖期后期温暖时段(1200's~1310s),也低于隋唐暖期(570's~770's)及中世纪暖期前期的温暖时段(930's~1100's);从30年际变化看,20世纪暖期最暖30年的温度距平低于中世纪暖期的最暖30年,而与隋唐暖期的最暖30年相当;从年代际变化看,20世纪最暖年代的温度距平与中世纪暖期前期的最暖年代极为接近。另外,从中国过去2000年的冷暖阶段变化过程看,20世纪暖期的最可能相似型 为隋唐暖期(570's~770'sAD),而不是中世纪暖期。同时可能是由于受到1950's以后因人类活动导致的温室效应作用日益增大的影响,1980's以后的升温速率明显加快。
其他语种文摘 Based on the temperature changes series of Wintewr-half-Year in eastern China for the last 2000 years, the situation of the 20th century warming within a context of the past 2000 years is analyzed from the three aspects of changing amplitude, rate, and historical analogue. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Although it has been critically warm, the temperature of the 20th century in eastern China is still within the threshold of the variability of the last 2000 years. Substantially the 20th century warming is prominent and rapid from the cool epoch (i. e. the little Ice Age) with a high rate of 1.1 ℃/100a. (2) On a century scale, the temperature anomaly of the 20th century is lower than that of the 1200s-1310s, 570s-770s, and 930s-1100s, which are the late warm stage of Mediaeval Warm Period (MWP), the Sui and Tang dynasties warm period, and the early warm stage of MWP, respectively. (3) Analysis suggest that the most possible analogue type of the 20th century warming is that of the Sui and Tang dynasties warm period (570s-770s) instead of that of MWP. Additionally, the temperature of the 20th century has been rising dramatically since the 1980s, which is possibly influenced by the increasing green-house-effect induced by human activities.
来源 地理学报 ,2002,57(6):631-638 【核心库】
关键词 过去2000年 ; 温度变化 ; 20世纪增暖 ; 中国

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 北京师范大学资源与环境科学系, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目 ;  中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1006129

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