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Spatial heterogeneity of the effects of mountainous city pattern on catering industry location


涂建军 1,2   唐思琪 1   张骞 3   吴越 1   罗运超 1  
文摘 城市格局对产业布局有深刻影响,山地城市尤甚。餐饮业是城市商业的重要“引流业态”,其布局与城市居住、交通、公共服务等空间功能密切相关,山地城市格局对餐饮业布局影响的空间异质性尤为明显和特殊。以典型山地城市重庆主城区为研究对象,基于多源兴趣点(POI)数据,运用核密度、空间自相关、地理加权回归等空间分析工具,探究山地城市格局对餐饮业区位选择影响的空间异质性。结果表明:①重庆主城区餐饮业空间布局形态呈凝聚多中心特征,形成“一主两副四次级”的多中心空间结构,是重庆主城区“多中心,组团式”城市格局的缩影。②餐饮业发育成熟度与山地城市扩展时序密切相关,且空间分布方向与城市扩展方向一致。③同一类城市空间因子对不同城市组团的餐饮业分布具有不同甚至相反的影响力,相较圈层式单中心城市空间因子作用模式的空间异质性更为显著,其本质原因在于山水自然分割和城市扩展的特殊性导致的中心组团和外围组团资源要素配置不均。④不同城市空间因子对餐饮业布局的作用力也具有空间异质性,城市居住、商业、交通、公共服务、休闲空间等5类因子在不同区域对餐饮业区位选择均有不同程度正向促进作用,其中城市商业空间因子对餐饮业区位选择影响最大。
其他语种文摘 Accurately and effectively estimating the effects of urban pattern on industrial location is always an important issue that has received much attention in urban geography. However, current studies have mainly focused on the influence of a single type of urban functional spaces on industrial location using statistical data based on administrative units. And these studies have not conducted in-depth research into the spatial heterogeneity of influences. Against the existing shortcomings, taking the central Chongqing as an example, this research aimed to investigate how different urban functional spaces influenced the catering industry distribution based on kernal density, spatial autocorrelation and geographic weighted regression from point of interest (POI) data. The research reveals the following points: (1) the spatial distribution of restaurants was characterized by a multi-center spatial structure of "one main, two subs and four third-level centers", which directly reflected the urban pattern. (2) Not only the scale of restaurant agglomeration was closely related to urban expansion sequence, but also the direction of restaurant agglomeration was consistent with urban expansion direction. (3) The urban functional spaces had different or even opposite influences on the restaurant distribution in different city groups. The effect of residential space on the restaurant distribution was all positive, which increased from the central to the peripheral groups. The influence of commercial space on restaurant distribution was weakened from the inside to the outside of the barrier of the mountains, but there might be a phenomenon of commercial dependence in the groups where the location was isolated and the business development was immature. Since the restaurants in the peripheral groups was more dependent on the transport accessibility, the effect of urban traffic space on restaurant distribution in the peripheral groups was greater than that in the central groups, which resulted in a phenomenon of traffic dependence. The urban public space in central groups played a greater role in promoting restaurant assembled than that of the peripheral groups on account of high-quality public service in central groups. The influence of urban leisure space on restaurant distribution was related to the number and popularity of scenic spots. (4) Moreover, different urban functional spaces had different influences on the spatial distribution of restaurants, and urban commercial space had the greatest impact due to its high density of urban construction and population density. This study is especially valuable for understanding the function mechanism of urban pattern on industrial location and providing a scientific basis for making rational urban development plan.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(6):1163-1177 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201906007
关键词 城市空间 ; 山地城市 ; 餐饮业布局 ; 空间异质性 ; 兴趣点(POI)

1. 西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400700  

2. 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室, 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室, 重庆, 400715  

3. 西南大学资源环境学院, 重庆, 400700

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论;社会与环境
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6512732

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