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Characteristics and Causes of Situational Theme RestaurantStaff’s Sense of Place:A Case Study of the Taste-Yunnan Restaurant in Guangzhou


蔡晓梅 1   朱竑 2 *   刘晨 1  
文摘 地方感的研究为探讨人地关系提供了新的视角。情境主题餐厅作为能提供特殊体验的一种微观文化空间,为员工构造了一个"异位(heterotopias)"的超现实空间(hyperreality)。本文通过对广州味道云南食府这一典型情境主题餐厅员工的体验式观察和深度访谈,探讨了情境主题餐厅员工对不同尺度空间产生的不同地方感特征及其原因,得出以下结论:①员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的地方感存在差异。他们对餐厅具有强烈的地方认同和地方依赖,对餐厅所处城市具有地方依赖,但对餐厅以外的其他城市空间不存在地方认同;②员工对情境主题餐厅地方感特征产生的原因是餐厅融洽的社交环境、良好的工作和生活环境以及较高认同的情境(文化);③员工对情境主题餐厅所处城市地方感特征产生的原因是城市所提供的良好工作条件、较差的自然环境、低熟悉的城市空间、对家乡的依恋和对"异乡人"的身份认同;④员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的熟悉程度、环境和文化认同程度和归属/依恋程度的差异是员工对两者地方感存在差异的原因。结论对于丰富地方感在微观空间层面的理论与实证研究有重要的价值,能够为城市中其他微观文化空间的地方感研究提供借鉴。
其他语种文摘 The sense of place is a core issue in the recent geography studies.The meaning ofthe sense of place is that the special emotional experience is produced by place,and itprovides a new perspective to discuss the human-land relationship.However,most of therelated studies focus on the sense of place in the macro-spatial dimensions,few of them haspaid attention to it in the micro space.Thus,it is necessary to pay more attention to that inmicro space.The situational theme restaurant is a kind of theme restaurants with one or morethemes that can offer unique cultural atmosphere,food and service,associated with theparticipatory nature of activities and games,in order to create a place with participativesituation and special experience for its customers,and it is also a micro cultural space whichconstructs a hyperriality different from the external environment for their staff by simulatingand duplicating the real world.The Taste-Yunnan Restaurant in Guangzhou is a typicalsituational theme restaurant,which constructs a micro cultural space by simulating theminority culture in Yunnan Province.Most of the employees are from villages in Yunnan orother places outside Guangzhou.We made an investigation of the staff in the Taste-YunnanRestaurant using participant observation and in-depth interview based on the dimensions ofthe sense of place.The main results can be obtained as follows.(1) The staff’s senses ofplace are different between in the situational theme restaurant and external environment.Specifically,they have place identity to and place dependence on the situational themerestaurant which they are working in,but just have place dependence on the external urbanspace except for the restaurant.(2) The staff has strong place identity to and placedependence on the situational theme restaurant which they are working in,because of theharmonious social context among the staff,good working conditions and living conditions,and staff’s cultural identity to the situation which the restaurant constructs.(3) The staff hasplace dependence on the city,but no place identity to the urban spaces except for therestaurant which they are working in,as the city offers better working conditions,worsenatural environment,unfamiliar city space,staff’s strong attachment to their hometown aswell as their self-identity as "others".(4) Staff’s different familiarities,environmental andcultural identity,and belongingness or attachment to the situational theme restaurant and thecity,cause their different place identity to and place dependence on the restaurant and theexternal environment.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(2):239-252 【核心库】
关键词 情境主题餐厅 ; 地方感 ; 地方认同 ; 地方依赖 ; 员工 ; 味道云南食府 ; 广州

1. 华南师范大学旅游管理系, 广州, 510631  

2. 华南师范大学文化产业与文化地理研究中心, 广州, 510631

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  广东省自然科学基金 ;  广东省软科学研究计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4451666

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