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Analysis of the Degradation Mechanism of Black Soil on Eastern and Western Slope of Dahei Mountain,Jilin Province


文摘 选取吉林省大黑山东西坡台地农田系统的12组土壤样品,采用常规分析的方法对土壤有机质、全N、速效N、全P、速效P和速效K进行测试.利用独立样本T检验和相关分析的方法对数据进行单因子和多因子的综合分析,探讨成土母质、水、热条件等因素对黑土养分变化的影响.结果表明:大黑山东西两侧台地上黑土养分差异明显,西坡较东坡黑土肥力高,东坡比两坡黑土退化严重.产生这种差异的原因与地形差异和人类干扰关联不大,主要和东西坡两侧的成土母质、地方气候的异质性相关.这一结论对从地方尺度研究交错带这一特殊区域黑土退化的本质有一定的指导意义,为更合理地利用黑土资源提供理论依据.
其他语种文摘 In order to study present situation and analyze mechanism of black soil on small range, the black soil resource is exploited and utilized rationally. A total of 12 groups of agricultural soil samples were collected from the east and west terraces of Dahei Mountain in Jilin Province, then some of the soil fertility quality indices, which contain SOM,TN, AN, TP, AP and AK, were tested by single factor analysis and multi-factor analysis methods. The single factor analysis method includes conventional statistical methods, percentage analysis and Independent Samples Test and multi-factor analysis method includes principal component analysis. Some factors influencing change of black soils nutrient were discussed such as parent material, hydrothermal condition by single factor, correlation analysis and ISM model method. The results show that (1) the mean difference of SOM, TN, AN, TP, AP and AK on the eastern and western slopes are respectively 8.461 6 g/kg, 0. 167 0 g/kg, 10.533 7 mg/kg and 0. 179 5 g/kg, 8.018 5 mg/kg and - 32. 779 9 mg/kg. The result of T test on nutrient indices indicates significance probabilities of variances and means are less than 0. 1 and 0. 01. Differences of soil nutrients are very obvious between the western and eastern slopes; (2) the average of component scores on the eastern and western slopes is respectively -5. 473 9 and 5. 338 7. The soil fertilities of the western slope are higher than that of the eastern; and (3) correlation analysis about mechanism of black soil is that correlation coefficients between temperature and precipitation, between component scores and temperature ,and between component scores and precipitation are -0. 086, 0. 746 and -0. 515, indicating that temperature and precipitation affect degradation of black soil. Then differences of temperature and precipitation on both slopes are 0. 14℃ and 26. 6 mm which are small. But the interaction between heat, precipitation and parent material causes obvious differences on soil nutrients. The terrain and human disturbance factors are secondary. The results have guiding significance for researching on black soil degeneration in ecotone from a local scale, and can provide theoretical basis for utilizing black soil resource more reasonably.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2009,24(4):674-682 【核心库】
关键词 自然地理学 ; 黑土退化 ; 机理分析 ; 交错带

东北师范大学城市与环境学院, 吉林, 长春, 130024

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
学科 农业基础科学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3515830

参考文献 共 23 共2页

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