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Measure and analysis of rock falling scene for Baiyan Dangrous rock-mass over maoping Landslide,Qinjiang


文摘 位于茅坪滑坡体后缘的白岩危岩体于2002年8月24日发生了大规模的崩塌。崩落的块石落在滑坡体上,对滑坡体产生了加载作用,影响了该滑坡体的稳定性。为研究茅坪滑坡体的稳定性,有必要弄清滑坡体上崩落块石的堆积情况。论文在对清江隔河岩水库白岩危岩体崩塌现场调查的基础上,估算了崩塌岩体的体积,实地测量了岩体崩塌后堆积体表面块石的尺寸以及各块石空间位置坐标。对测量的结果进行了统计分析。根据所测量的块石尺寸、得到了崩落岩体的块体大小级配累积曲线图和各块石尺度出现的概率,从而阐明了各尺度崩落块石组合情况。根据各块石尺寸和各块石空间位置坐标、分析得到不同尺寸崩落块石落在滑坡体上的空间分布规律,从而为茅坪滑坡的进一步研究打下了基础。
其他语种文摘 The cosmically rock falling took place on August, 24, 2002 in White Dangrous rock-mass which is located at the rear end of MaoPing landslide. The falling rock is located in the landslide and loaded the landslide body, which affected the stability of Maoping landslide. In order to study the stability of Maoping landslide, it is necessary to make certain the cumulating instance of falling rock on the landslide. Therefore according to the survey of the White Dangrous rock-mass falling scene which lies in the Qinjiang Geheyan reservoir, we measured the size and the magnitude of falling rock lying in the falling rock deposit surface and the place coordinate of every lump rock, and then stat and analyses the measurable outcome. we get lump rock rate cooperating cumulation g curve of falling rock and the probability of every lump rock dimension, so clarify the instance of assembled every falling rock dimension by measured lump rock size. According to every lump rock size and space place coordinate of every lump rock, we get the space distributing law of different size falling rock on landslide body. All of those above are the base of studying Maoping landslide further.
来源 中国地质灾害与防治学报 ,2003,14(3):50-54 【扩展库】
关键词 岩体崩落 ; 块体统计 ; 参数分析 ; 隔河岩水库 ; 白岩危岩体

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-8035
学科 地质学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1307761

参考文献 共 3 共1页

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2.  陈仲颐. 土力学,1994 CSCD被引 205    
3.  盛骤. 概率论与数理统计,1997 CSCD被引 25    
引证文献 3

1 李守定 清江茅坪滑坡形成演化研究 岩石力学与工程学报,2006,25(2):377-384
CSCD被引 15

2 邓建辉 再论茅坪滑坡的复活机制与治理可行性 岩石力学与工程学报,2006,25(12):2377-2383
CSCD被引 1


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