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黔中气溶胶传输的~210Pb和~7Be示踪: Ⅱ.月及年时间尺度的剖析
~210Pb and~7Be as Tracers for Aerosol Transfers at Center Guizhou, China:Ⅱ. The Interpretation by Monthly and Yearly Intervals


万国江 1   郑向东 2   Lee H N 3   Bai Z G 4   万恩源 1   王仕禄 1   杨伟 1   苏菲 5   汤洁 2   王长生 1   黄荣贵 1   刘鹏 6  
文摘 自2001年12月连续逐周在贵阳观风山附近对近地面空气~210Pb-~7Be浓度和沉降量的观测表明:区域性降水和气温制约近地面空气~210Pb具高浓度“U”型年分布;降水量和平流层向下输送影响近地面空气~7Be月均浓度的季节性变化;~210Pb/~7Be月均浓度比率受控于~210Pb变化和富~7Be气团下沉的影响。观风山与瓦里关山之间因纬度和海拔的关系,~7Be比率急剧震荡,显示出海洋性贫 ~7Be气团入侵对观风山地区的明显影响。2002—2008年间贵阳观风山近地面空气~210Pb的年均浓度 (2. 8±0. 6)mBq/m~3,约为全球若干站点中最高平均浓度值的4倍;而~7Be的年均浓度(4. 8±0. 6) mBq/m~3,与全球高海拔站点长期观测的平均值相当,大约为北半球中纬度对流层顶部附近~7Be浓度值(18. 0 mBq/m~3)的1/3. 8,显示出低纬度、较高海拔地区的预期水平。2003年,瓦里关山和观风山近地面空气~7Be的年均浓度比为3. 8,与预期的大气输送和混合作用基本一致。7Be月均浓度的增大趋势反映出受太阳黑子数减少的变化关系,其影响底线大约为4 mBq/m~(3;7)Be年均浓度波动的增大趋势反映出受太阳黑子数降低的可能影响。贵阳观风山降水中7Be和~210Pb的体积加权浓度分别为0. 72 Bq/L和0. 27 Bq/L;年沉降通量分别为0. 080 Bq/(cm~2·a)和0. 031 Bq/(cm~2·a)。数值模拟显示出全球空气~210Pb高浓度区和高沉降通量环带分布,印证了洱海和红枫湖沉积物~7Be和~(137)Cs蓄积的模拟结果。
其他语种文摘 The weekly successivem easurem ents of ~210Pb and ~7Be concentrations in surface airand depositional fluxes at M.t Guanfeng/Guiyang since December of 2001 indicate thathigh~210Pb concentration is constrained by regional rainfall and air temperature, and shows U-pattern distribution; The seasonal variation of ~7Bemonthlymean concentration is influenced by the amount of precipitation and downward stratospheric curren;t The ratio of ~210Pb and7Bemonthlymean concentrations isdetermined by~210Pb variation and down flow of rich-7Be airmass. The ratio of ~7Be concentration at M.t Guanfeng/Guiyang and M.t Waliguan fluctuates rapidly because of their latitudes and elevation, indicating an obvious influence of oceanic poor-~7Be airmass invasion on M.t Guanfeng. Annualmean concentration of ~210Pb at M.t Guanfeng/Guiyang during 2002-2008 is about2. 8~0. 6 mBq/m~3, nearly ~4 times of the average concentration of the highest concentrations of the global observations; 4. 8~0. 6 mBq/m~3 for~7Be, which is equivalent to the average concentration of the highest concentrations of the global observations and 1/3. 8 times of the7Be activity (18. 0 mBq/m~3) on the top of the troposphere atmiddle latitude of northern hemisphere; it is anticipated in the low latitude and high elevation area. In 2003, the ratio of annualmean7Be concentration was 3. 8 atboth M.t Waliguan and M.t Guanfeng, which is consistentwith the anticipated consequence of atmospheric transportation andmixture. The increasing trend of 7Bemonthlymean concentration relates to the decrease of sunspotnumber and the baseline of the influence for7Be is about4 mBq/m~3; The increasing trend of ~7Be annual mean concentration could also be influenced by sunspotnumber decrease. Volume-weighted concentrations of 7Be and~210Pb in rainfall at M.t Guanfeng/Guiyang are 0. 72 Bq/L and 0. 27 Bq/L, respectively; their annualdepositional fluxes are 0. 080 Bq/(cm~2±a) and 0. 031 Bq/(cm~2±a), respectively. The numerical simulation shows global zonal distribution of ~210Pb with mosaic areas of high air concentration and high fluxes, which confirms the simulated results of ~210Pb and~7Be inventories in the sediments of Lake Hongfeng and Erha.i
来源 地球科学进展 ,2010,25(5):505-514 【核心库】
关键词 气溶胶传输 ; ~210Pb-~7Be ; 月—年时间尺度 ; 红枫湖 ; 洱海

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 中国科学院环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 中国气象科学研究院, 北京, 100081  

3. Environmental Measurements Laboratory, USA, USA, NY, 10014-7447  

4. ISRIC-World Soil Information, the Netherlands, Wageningen, 6700AJ  

5. 贵州省气象局, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

6. 中国大气本底基准观象台, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-8166
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中美国际合作项目“Tracing recentclimate and environmental changesbymeasuring low-level radionuclides in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, China”
文献收藏号 CSCD:3896245

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引证文献 4

1 万恩源 2011年春季日本福岛核泄漏污染输送:贵阳~(131)I和~(137)Cs观测示踪分析 环境科学学报,2012,32(9):2182-2188
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2 欧阳洁 大气污染物中人工放射性铯-钚-铀同位素示踪技术的发展与应用 化学进展,2017,29(12):1446-1461
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