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Analysis of thermal stress in K9 glass irradiated by pulsed CO_2 laser


王玺 1   方晓东 2 *  
文摘 根据已建立的理论模型,计算得到了K9玻璃受脉冲CO_2激光辐照时产生的热应力分布,研究了热应力的时间特征,在分析样品尺寸对损伤结果影响的基础上,提出了K9玻璃抗激光损伤的最佳半径。结果表明:K9玻璃产生的热应力损伤主要由环向应力控制,热应力以热冲击波的形式在样品内传播,大小随时间变化而来回振荡,且激光脉冲结束后比激光作用时间内产生的热应力要大。这说明若样品在激光加热期间产生的热应力不足以造成材料破坏,则有可能会在其后的冷却过程中产生更大的热应力,材料将会在冷却过程中发生破裂。根据样品参数对损伤结果的影响,进一步验证了K9玻璃抗激光损伤最佳半径的通用性。
其他语种文摘 According to the theoretical model of K9 glass irradiated by pulsed CO_2 laser, a numerical simulation was performed to calculate thermal stress distribution in K9 glass sample irradiated by pulsed CO_2 laser. The time characteristic of the thermal stress was demonstrated. On the basis of the analysis of damage results, an optimal radius was presented to express the laser-induced damage resistance of K9 glass. The simulation results indicated that the damage effect was dominated by circular stress. Moreover, this thermal stress would diffuse as shock wave and oscillated obviously inside of the K9 glass sample. The simulation results also showed that the effect of laser irradiation on samples can be affected considerably by the change of radius of the sample. Finally, the universality of the proposed optimal radius of K9 glass was validated.
来源 强激光与粒子束 ,2014,26(5):051006-1-051006-4 【核心库】
关键词 激光损伤 ; 热应力 ; 脉冲CO_2激光 ; K9玻璃

1. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4322
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室主任基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5147925

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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