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Research Advances in Dual-Comb Spectroscopy


路桥 1,2   时雷 1   毛庆和 1,2 *  
文摘 基于光学频率梳的双光梳光谱技术(DCS)集高分辨率、高灵敏度、宽光谱覆盖和快速测量等优势于一身;近年来,DCS发展迅速,新原理、新方法、新技术和新应用不断涌现,极有必要对其发展现状进行系统梳理,对其未来发展趋势进行客观述评。为了给相关科技人员在把握DCS发展全貌时提供参考,从光梳出发,以异步光学取样原理与噪声特性为主线,对DCS的测量原理、实现方案、性能指标、应用技术、仪器化,以及未来可能的发展趋势进行综合述评与预测。
其他语种文摘 The dual-comb spectroscopy(DCS)based on optical frequency combs(OFCs)offers a revolutionary new spectroscopic method that can combine the advantages of high spectral resolution,high detection sensitivity,broadband spectral coverage,and fast measurement in one.In the past few years,the DCS has experienced rapid development,resulting in numerous demonstrations of new measuring principles and implementation schemes,as well as the availability of new measuring technologies and applications.Therefore,it is necessary to systematically review the current development status for the DCS and predict its future trends objectively.To provide a reference for relevant scientific and technical personnel to grasp the whole development of DCS,based on the mechanism of asynchronous optical sampling and the noise properties,we begin with the OFC and provide a comprehensive review on research advances of DCS regarding measuring principles,implementation schemes,performance indexes,application technologies,and instrumentations,and predict possible development trends in the future.
来源 中国激光 ,2018,45(4):0400001-1-0400001-22 【核心库】
DOI 10.3788/CJL201845.0400001
关键词 光谱学 ; 双光梳光谱技术 ; 光学频率梳 ; 激光光谱学 ; 超快激光技术

1. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽光子器件与材料省级实验室, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学技术大学, 安徽, 合肥, 230026

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0258-7025
学科 物理学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院战略性先导科技专项 ;  国家重点研发计划 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:6231989

参考文献 共 117 共6页

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