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Large eddy simulation of boundary layer flow under cnoidal waves


文摘 Water waves in coastal areas are generally nonlinear, exhibiting asymmetric velocity profiles with different amplitudes of crest and trough. The behaviors of the boundary layer under asymmetric waves are of great significance for sediment transport in natural circumstances. While previous studies have mainly focused on linear or symmetric waves, asymmetric wave-induced flows remain unclear, particularly in the flow regime with high Reynolds numbers. Taking cnoidal wave as a typical example of asymmetric waves, we propose to use an infinite immersed plate oscillating cnoidally in its own plane in quiescent water to simulate asymmetric wave boundary layer. A large eddy simulation approach with Smagorinsky subgrid model is adopted to investigate the flow characteristics of the boundary layer. It is verified that the model well reproduces experimental and theoretical results. Then a series of numerical experiments are carried out to study the boundary layer beneath cnoidal waves from laminar to fully developed turbulent regimes at high Reynolds numbers, larger than ever studied before. Results of velocity profile, wall shear stress, friction coefficient, phase lead between velocity and wall shear stress, and the boundary layer thickness are obtained. The dependencies of these boundary layer properties on the asymmetric degree and Reynolds number are discussed in detail.
来源 Acta Mechanica Sinica ,2016,32(1):22-37 【核心库】
DOI 10.1007/s10409-015-0486-6
关键词 Boundary layer structure ; Turbulence ; Large eddy simulation ; Cnoidal wave

1. Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory for Mechanics in Fluid Solid Coupling Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190  

2. School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0567-7718
学科 力学
基金 support to this work from the National Natural Science Foundation of China ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5660705

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1 Lu Zongze Large-eddy simulation of the influence of a wavy lower boundary on the turbulence kinetic energy budget redistribution Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2018,36(4):1178-1188
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