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Impacts of Difference among Livelihood Assets on the Choice of Economic Compensation Pattern for Farmer Households Farmland Protection in Chongqing City


李广东 1   邱道持 2   王利平 2   王平 2   骆东奇 3  
文摘 耕地比较效益低下引致耕地保护经济补偿成为破解耕地保护问题的客观选择,而影响经济补偿成败的关键因素之一在于补偿模式设计是否符合农户诉求,因此定量刻画农户生计资产差异对其补偿模式选择的影响便是补偿模式设计的核心。运用参与式农村评价法(PRA)对渝西方山丘陵3个样点村392户农户进行了实地调查,构建了农户生计资产六边形计量分析框架,运用灰色关联分析模型和Probit回归分析法对农户生计资产差异与补偿模式选择意愿间耦合关系的存在性和影响度进行了分析,并设计了差别化耕地保护经济补偿模式。研究结果表明:①农户生计资产存在属性差异和空间分异。农户生计总资产呈现由自给型纯农户到非农户递增的总体趋势,空间上存在海拔越高生计资产越低的趋势。②农户对耕地保护经济补偿模式的选择意愿存在随农户生计资产差异由"成都模式"向"佛山模式"过渡的趋势,不同地带农户模式选择意愿存在空间分异。③农户生计资产差异与耕地保护补偿模式选择间存在耦合关系,自然资产与农户模式选择意愿呈负相关,社会资产对农户的模式选择影响最小,金融资产对农户模式选择的影响较弱,人力资产和物质资产对农户决策均产生较显著影响,心理资产对农户的决策影响最为显著。④根据农户生计资产缺乏情况为7种类型农户设计了概念性的补偿模式体系,并就补偿方法、补偿依据、补偿标准和补偿资金来源问题进行了探讨。
其他语种文摘 Economic compensation plays a crucial role in promoting farmland protection and raising farmland utilization ratio.Farmer households’willingness is one of the most important factors that determines the economic compensation pattern for farmland protection,and their difference in livelihood assets has influence on pattern choice of economic compensation for farmland protection significantly.Through participatory rural appraisal method,three villages and 392 households were investigated and sampled in Tabular mountainous and hilly areas of western Chongqing City.A quantitative analysis framework of household livelihood assets of hexagon is constructed;through Gray relation analysis model and Probit regression analysis,the existence and influencing degree of coupling relationship between the divergence of farmer household livelihood assets and compensation pattern choice were analyzed. Furthermore,differential patterns of economic compensation for farmland protection were designed.The results are shown as follows.(1) There exist different qualities and spatial heterogeneity in household livelihood assets.We can find a general trend that the total assets transfer from pure self-sufficiency households to off-farm households,and a spatial trend that the higher the altitude,the less household livelihood assets.(2) There is a trend that household choice willingness about compensation pattern varies from Chengdu Pattern to Foshan Pattern,and there exists spatial heterogeneity in their choice willingness in different areas.(3) The coupling relationship exists between household livelihood assets and compensation pattern.Negative correlation is observed between natural assets value and household pattern choice and the other livelihood assets have different positive impacts on compensation pattern,which from the top are psychological assets,human assets and physical assets,financial assets,and social assets.(4) Based on seven types of the lack of household livelihood assets,the paper designs a conceptual compensation pattern system.Moreover,compensation method,compensation basis,compensation standard and the source of compensation funds are discussed.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(4):504-515 【核心库】
关键词 生计资产 ; 耕地保护 ; 经济补偿模式 ; 农户 ; 渝西地区

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400715  

3. 重庆工商大学经济管理实验教学中心, 重庆, 400067

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4511846

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