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A big increase in shock tunnel test times


俞鸿儒 *  
文摘 发展高超吸气推进技术为何如此艰难?探求阻碍发展的根源需要可信赖的地面试验装置.提出大幅度延长激波风洞试验时间,用来突破干净空气吸气推进试验装置马赫数未超过5的局限.采用小直径驱动段降低爆轰驱动激波管缝合激波马赫数,使爆轰驱动激波风洞试验时间能够大幅度延长.建成的长试验时间激波风洞JF-12的试验时间超过100 ms.
其他语种文摘 Why is it such difficult to develop hypersonic airbreathing propulsion? It is in need of a reliable ground test facility for ex-ploring the source of development obstruction. A big increase in shock tunnel test times for breaking the upper bound of Mach number 5 associated with airbreathing propulsion was proposed. Smaller diameter of detonation driver was adopted for decreasing Tailored incident shock Mach number, enabling the test times of detonation driven shock tunnel to be extended by a big margin. Test times of constructed detonation driven shock tunnel JF-12 were over 100 ms.
来源 中国科学. 物理学 , 力学, 天文学,2015,45(9):094701-1-094701-6 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/sspma2015-00260
关键词 激波管 ; 激波风洞 ; 试验时间 ; 爆轰驱动 ; 高超吸气推进

中国科学院力学研究所, 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-7275
学科 力学
基金 财政部重大科研装备自主创新专项(试点)基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5526904

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