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王丽 1   鲁晓兵 1   时忠民 2  
文摘 针对钙质砂地基中桶形基础动态响应问题进行了实验研究.首先进行了水平静极限承载力实验,获得了水平载荷位移曲线,并为确定水平动载荷幅值的选择提供参考;然后针对主要因素,包括桶形基础尺寸、载荷幅值和频率、土体密度、压重等,进行了系列的室内小模型实验,并对结果进行了分析,获得了水平动载下桶形基础在钙质砂地基中的响应特点.结果表明:载荷幅值、频率、土体密度、桶形基础尺寸对动态响应有明显影响;动载下桶形基础周围钙质砂中孔压上升,但是较其他类砂土中的慢;在结构重量小时,桶形基础上升;有上覆较硬粘土层时,桶形基础和地基的响应减弱.
其他语种文摘 This paper performs experimental study on responses of the bucket foundations in calcareous sand layers under dynamic loading.Experiments to determine the horizontal static bearing capacity are carried out first.The obtained static loading-displacement curves can be referred to for determining the amplitudes of dynamic loads.Then a series of experiments are conducted to study the influences of some factors including the size of bucket,the amplitude and frequency of load,the density of soils,pressing load etc..Analyzing experimental results,the responses' characteristics of bucket foundations in calcareous sand under horizontal dynamic loads are obtained.It is shown that 1)the amplitude and frequency of loading,the soil density and the size of bucket foundation influences the dynamic responses of the bucket foundation obviously;2)the pore pressure increases under dynamic loading,but the rate is smaller than that in other type of sand;3)the bucket foundation would rise if the structure's weight is small;4)the dynamic responses of the bucket foundation and the soil layer decreases with an overlayer of stiff clay covering.
来源 工程力学 ,2010,27(2):193-203 【核心库】
关键词 钙质砂 ; 桶形基础 ; 水平动载荷 ; 承载力 ; 动态响应

1. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190  

2. 中海石油研究中心, 北京, 100027

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4750
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家973计划 ;  中科院、中海油联合重大项
文献收藏号 CSCD:3839997

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2 李大勇 海上风电吸力基础在分层土中的沉贯特性研究综述 海洋工程,2023,41(1):110-127
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