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Numerical Simulation of the Two-stage Pyrolysis Swirling Combustion Devices of Municipal Solid Waste


顾菁 1   袁浩然 1 *   呼和涛力 1   马晓茜 2   陈勇 3  
文摘 为了实现城市生活垃圾的无害化处置,提出了两段热解旋流燃烧装置。该装置的关键技术在于燃烧室内增加了一螺旋体。通过对燃烧室的数值模拟,确定了螺旋体的结构参数,并考察了螺旋体对气相燃烧温度场、烟气平均停留时间和组分浓度分布的影响。结果表明:增加螺旋体后,燃烧室内气体混合均匀,燃烧完全,燃烧情况优于无螺旋体时,满足抑制二噁英的要求。
其他语种文摘 In order to realize harmless disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), the two-stage pyrolysis swirling combustion devices is put forward. The key technology of the device is that the combustion chamber adds a helix. Through the numerical simulation of the combustion chamber, the structural parameters of the helix structure were determined, and the effort of helix on the temperature of the gas phase combustion, average residence time of flue gas and mole fraction of the component was studied. The results showed that with the helix, the gas mixture in the combustion chamber was uniform, the combustion was completely and the combustion condition was better than no helix, which could meet the requirements of dioxin control.
来源 工程热物理学报 ,2016,37(12):2715-2719 【核心库】
关键词 燃烧室 ; 数值模拟 ; 平均停留时间 ; 气相燃烧

1. 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广州, 510640  

2. 华南理工大学, 广州, 510640  

3. 中国科学院广州分院, 广州, 510070

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-231X
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题
文献收藏号 CSCD:5869153

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