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An analysis of coupling between the bearing capacity of the ecological environment and the quality of new urbanization in Chongqing


张引 1   杨庆媛 2 *   闵婕 3  
文摘 本文以重庆市为研究对象,采用耦合分析法,通过分析新型城镇化质量和生态环境承载力主要指标,构建新型城镇化质量与生态环境承载力耦合协调模型,计算2000-2012年重庆市及各区县新型城镇化质量与生态环境承载力的耦合度,评价重庆市新型城镇化质量和生态环境承载力耦合阶段及水平,分析生态环境承载力与新型城镇化发展质量的耦合分类,为探索可持续发展的城镇化道路提供数据参考。结果显示:2000-2012年,① 重庆全市耦合度处于在0.967~1.000之间,显示出重庆市的新型城镇化质量与生态环境承载力的耦合阶段处在高水平耦合时期;② 重庆市区县新型城镇化质量与生态环境承载力耦合度分布基本符合“一圈两翼”的空间分异规律,耦合度范围在0.884~1.000之间,也处于生态环境与城镇化质量高耦合时期; ③ 但重庆市各区县新型城镇化质量与生态环境承载力存在明显区域差异,尤其是生态环境承载力指数的空间差异比较明显,根据耦合状况可以大致分为4种区县耦合类型。表明重庆市快速城镇化的后果导致都市区生态压力增大,生态承载力空间差异显著的现实将导致原有城镇化发展方式面临不可维系局面,亟需调整城镇化发展方式;发展新型城镇化应通过优化资源利用方式,调整产业空间布局和升级产业达到疏导人口分布和提升城镇化发展质量的目的,最终缓解生态环境因城镇化快速发展带来的压力。
其他语种文摘 Using data for Chongqing Municipality, China, we conducted a coupling analysis of key indexes to accomplish the following objectives. We aimed to identify a coupling mechanism for the bearing capacity of the ecological environment (BCEE) and the quality of new urbanization based on an examination of the degree of their coupling in Chongqing during the period 2000- 2012. We further aimed to evaluate the level of regional coupling and to determine the stage of urbanization at which an optimal outcome could be achieved to ensure sustainable urbanization within the region. Applying an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), we assessed the main indicators of BCEE and the quality of new urbanization in Chongqing. Accordingly, we constructed a model of ecological environment coupling coordination for analyzing the degree of regional coupling between the ecological environment and urbanization quality for evaluating the BCEE of Chongqing's cities and towns in 2000-2012. We obtained the following results for the study period. First, the overall degree of regional coupling of the quality of new urbanization and the BCEE was between 0.967 and 1.000, implying an advanced stage of coupling. Second, the coupling degree ranged between 0.884 and 1.000 in all of the districts and counties of Chongqing, implying a further advanced stage of coupling with a distinct spatial pattern of "one circle and two wings." Third, the coupling degree for all districts and counties matched that of the overall degree of regional coupling, barring obvious spatial variation, especially in relation to BCEE indicators. All of the districts and counties were classified into four types according to the degree of coupling between new urbanization quality and the BCEE. The findings indicate that rapid urbanization has led to increased ecological pressure within the Chongqing metropolitan area because of a concentration of the population within the central city. Moreover, with the fast pace of development in central city districts, their BCEE differs from that of other districts and counties. This will create a pattern of primary urbanization that can lead to an unsustainable situation in the near future. Local governments should, therefore, modify present urban development patterns accordingly. Optimization of resources utilization as well as adjustments in industrial distribution and industrial upgrading are recommended as effective measures that can disperse the population and reduce the pressure exerted by urbanization on the ecological environment.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(5):817-828 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201605010
关键词 新型城镇化质量 ; 生态环境承载力 ; 耦合分析 ; 重庆市

1. 西南大学资源环境学院, 重庆, 400715  

2. 西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400715  

3. 重庆师范大学地理与旅游学院, 重庆, 400047

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论;环境质量评价与环境监测
基金 国家社科规划一般项目 ;  重庆市社科基金青年项目 ;  中央高校基本科研重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5713486

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