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Radiation Domain of Commercial Centers in Nanjing Based on Analysis of Road Network Weighted Voronoi Diagram


文摘 道路网络在城市社会和经济活动中发挥重要作用.它是联系商业中心与需求间的桥梁.道路系统的更新与变化必然会对它们的关联产生影响Voronoi图足划分势力空间的有效工具,基于道路网络分析构建的加权Voronoi图可以模拟城市商业中心功能辐射的实际情形.本文给出了基于道路网络分析的Voronoi图和加权Voronoi图构建方法.通过对各种Voronoi图的比较分析,认为基于网络路径时间分析构建的加权Voronoi面域图在商业中心辐射域模拟中最为有效.将空间相互作用和断裂点理论与网络加权Voronoi面域图相结合.模拟不同交通条件下南京市商业中心辐射域空间格局及其需求覆盖变化,并提取了辐射域的覆盖面积、覆盖人口、最远辐射路径距离和平均辐射路径距离等信息.对商业中心的地铁邻近度与其辐射域的扩张面积进行相关分析.采用域邻接矩阵描述空间划分平衡与不平衡之间的相互转变过程,可分析道路系统变更后商业中心之间空间竞争的变化趋势.分析结果表明商业中心的地铁邻近度与辐射域的扩张具有较大的相关性,快速轨道交通在商业中心空间竞争中发挥关键作用.
其他语种文摘 Road network system plays an important role in social and economic activities in cities. It is the bridge linking up commercial centers with demands, thus the update and change of road network will certainly affect the relevancy of commercial centers and demands. Voronoi diagram is an effective tool to partition spatial domain of influence, and the weighted Voronoi diagram based on road network analysis can simulate the actual situation of function radiation of commercial centers. This paper proposed an approach to constructing weighted Voronoi diagram based on network analysis. By contrast of different Voronoi diagrams, the weighted Voronoi area diagram based on network path time analysis is affirmed to be most effective to simulate the radiation domain of commercial centers. We integrated spatial interaction theory and breakpoint theory with network weighted Voronoi area diagram, and simulated spatial pattern change of radiation domain and demand coverage change of commercial centers in Nanjing under different traffic conditions. The covering information of radiation domain including area, population, the furthest path distance and average path distance of commercial centers were picked up so as to analyze radiation domain changes, the relativity of expanding area and subway adjacency of commercial centers. In addition, radiation domain adjacent matrix was proposed to express the balance and unbalance status of spatial partition, which can reveal the trend of spatial competition. The results of simulation .experiments and analysis show that there is correlation between expanding area and subway adjacency of commercial centers, and that road network system with fast rail transit plays a key role in spatial competition among the commercial centers.
来源 地理学报 ,2009,64(12):1467-1476 【核心库】
关键词 网络分析 ; 加权Voronoi图 ; 商业中心 ; 辐射域 ; 路径时间距离 ; 南京市

南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 江苏, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 公路运输
基金 国家863计划 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3768287

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