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Analysis of coupling mechanism and rules between urbanization and eco-environment


文摘 本文分析了城市化与生态环境的交互耦合机制,采用代数学和几何学两种方法对环境库兹涅茨(KUZNETS)曲线和城市化对数曲线进行逻辑复合,推导出城市化与生态环境交互耦合的数理函数和几何曲线,揭示出区域生态环境随城市化的发展存在先指数衰退、后指数改善的耦合规律。交互耦合的过程分为低水平协调、拮抗、磨合和高水平协调四个阶段。文章最后对浙江省进行了实证分析。
其他语种文摘 This paper analyzes the coupling mechanism between urbanization and eco-environment: the intimidation on eco-environment from urbanization is caused by contamination from population, enterprises and transportation; Meanwhile, the restriction against urbanization from eco-environment results from changing the flow direction of population and capital. On the basis of the above, the authors deduce the coupling function and the shape curve between urbanization and eco-environment in two ways: algebra and geometry, and then opens out the relationship law: regional eco-environment decays at first,and then ameliorates after the curve inflexion.This paper also discusses the coupling process of urbanization and eco-environment, and classifies it into four stages, which are low-level coordination stage, resisting stage, ameliorating stage and harmonious stage. Finally, the authors demonstrate the coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment in Zhejiang province, and points out that industrialization is still the main momentum of urbanization in Zhejiang. In spite of the emergence of partial inflexion in the coupling curve between waste water and urbanization in Zhejiang, because there is no complete conversion in industrial structure, once policies concerning environmental protection change, the coupling curve between eco-environment and urbanization will fluctuate.That is to say, Zhejiang is still at the resisting stage.
来源 地理研究 ,2003,22(2):211-220 【核心库】
关键词 城市化 ; 生态环境 ; 耦合规律性 ; 代数学 ; 几何学 ; 人口

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0585
学科 社会科学总论
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1336072

参考文献 共 20 共1页

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