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Sulfur-Carbon Composite as Cathode with High Capacity


文摘 以锂为负极、硫为正极的锂/硫二次电池, 由于其较高的理论能量密度(2 600Wh/kg), 而成为最具发展潜力的新型高能化学电源体系. 但是, 硫正极材料存在的活性物质利用率偏低和循环性能较差等缺点制约了锂/硫电池的快速发展. 本文主要综述了基于多孔碳材料负载硫来构筑硫/碳复合材料, 进而改善硫电极材料电化学性能的研究进展, 多孔碳材料的高比表面积和孔隙结构有利于硫的均匀分散, 其微孔和介孔的强吸附力能有效限制多硫化物的溶解与流失. 因此, 本文重点阐述了多孔碳的孔径因素对硫活性物质的循环性能和电化学容量的影响, 并在此基础上, 分析了硫/碳复合材料的研究趋势, 提出基于微孔和介孔多级孔道结构的碳材料负载将有助于确保活性物质的循环性能和高电化学容量, 这将可能成为硫/碳复合材料下一步研发的主要方向
其他语种文摘 Lithium-sulfur battery has been receiving more attention due to its high theoretical energy density of 2 600Wh/kg. However, there are still some serious problems for sulfur cathode in organic electrolyte, including the lower utilization and poor cycle performance of sulfur active material, which becomes a big barrier for the research and development of lithium-sulfur battery. This review introduces the recent research process of sulfur-carbon composite cathode based on various porous carbon to support elemental sulfur. The larger surface area and developed porosity of porous carbon are beneficial for the homogeneous dispersion of elementalsulfur, and the strong adsorbability arising from the micropores or mesopores can successfully restrain the solubility and loss of lithium polysulfides, thus leading to the improved electrochemical performance of the composite cathodes. Accordingly, this article mainly illustrates the electrochemical capacity and cycle stability of the composites arising from the various pore size of porous carbon. By comparing, it is suggested that hierarchical porous carbon with highly developed micropores and mesopores is the most promising carrier to loading elemental sulfur, as it can ensure both the excellent electrochemical cycle stability and larger electrochemical capacity of the sulfur cathode
来源 化学进展 ,2011,23(2/3):527-532 【核心库】
关键词 锂硫电池 ; ; 正极材料 ; 多孔碳 ; 复合材料

南开大学新能源材料化学研究所, 天津, 300071

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 化学;电工技术
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4191829

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