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Effect of Cold Expansion on Fatigue Life of Hole Structure of TC17 Titanium Alloy


艾莹珺 1 *   王欣 1   宋颖刚 1   王强 1   罗学昆 1   汤智慧 1   赵振业 2  
文摘 为提高TC17中心孔试样的疲劳性能,采用扫描电镜、粗糙度仪、X射线衍射仪等对孔壁表面完整性进行分析,研究孔挤压强化工艺对试样疲劳性能的影响。结果表明:过盈量为0.18 mm的孔挤压试样最小疲劳寿命(14718次)高于原始试样的最大疲劳寿命(13965次);同过盈量为0.28 mm和0.38 mm的试样相比,其疲劳寿命分散性较小、无明显的应力集中现象,具有良好的疲劳寿命增益效果;孔壁表面粗糙度值最低;孔壁内侧形成一定深度的强化层;孔边产生的残余压应力场有效地抑制了孔壁内表面疲劳裂纹的产生,有利于提高孔结构的疲劳性能。
其他语种文摘 In order to improve the fatigue performance of TC17 central hole specimen,the hole wall surface integrity was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), roughness meter,X-ray diffraction,and the influence of hole cold expansion(HCE) parameter on the fatigue performance of the hole specimens was investigated. The results show that the minimum fatigue life (14718 cycle) of the HCE specimens with an expansion value of 0.18 mm is higher than the original specimen (13965 cycle). Compared to the specimens with the expansion values of 0.28 mm and 0.38 mm,the fatigue life dispersion is less,no obvious stress concentration phenomenon is found,and it has the best fatigue performance than the other two. The surface roughness value of hole wall is the lowest after the HCE with 0.18 mm,the inner hole wall forms a certain depth of strengthened layer,the residual compressive stress produced in the hole side effectively suppresses the produce of fatigue cracks in the inner hole wall,so the fatigue performance of hole structure is improved.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2017,37(6):82-87 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2017.000102
关键词 孔挤压 ; TC17钛合金 ; 疲劳寿命 ; 残余应力

1. 中国航发北京航空材料研究院, 航空材料先进腐蚀与防护航空科技重点实验室, 北京, 100095  

2. 中国航发北京航空材料研究院, 北京, 100095

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 金属学与金属工艺
文献收藏号 CSCD:6120750

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