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刘文超 1 *   乔成成 1   汪萍 2   黄文松 2   刘曰武 3   丁伟 2   孙玉平 2  
文摘 水平井分段压裂是实现页岩气经济开发的关键技术,生产过程压裂裂缝闭合会对开采产生不利影响.由于生产动态数据误差较大且震荡严重,与渗流数学模型内边界条件不匹配,目前很少有基于生产动态数据分析来定量评价压裂液返排与页岩气生产阶段压裂裂缝特征差异的方法.为此,文章提出一种基于反褶积的量化评估返排与生产阶段压裂裂缝特征差异的生产动态数据分析系统新方法.首先,给出返排和生产阶段的渗流模型及其Laplace解.之后,利用压力反褶积算法分别对两阶段的生产动态数据进行归一化处理.并使反褶积计算的归一化参数调试与渗流模型计算的参数调试在特征曲线拟合过程中相互制约,分别解释出两阶段的裂缝半长及裂缝导流能力.最后,引入导流能力模量,对两阶段的压裂裂缝特征差异进行了量化评估.利用此方法对现场10口井的分析结果表明:本方法可以有效量化评估返排与生产阶段压裂裂缝特征差异;相比于返排阶段,生产阶段的裂缝导流能力下降了约两个数量级,裂缝发生了明显闭合.文章建立的分析方法对页岩气藏后期增产措施优化有重要参考价值.
其他语种文摘 Horizontal well staged fracturing is the key technology to realize the economic development of shale gas. The closure of fracturing fractures in the production process will have adverse effects on the exploitation. Due to the large errors and serious oscillations of dynamic production data, it does not match the internal boundary conditions of the seepage flow mathematical model. Therefore, there are few quantitative methods to evaluate the difference of fracture characteristics between fracturing fluid flowback stage and shale gas production stage based on dynamic production data analysis currently. Based on this concern, a new method of production dynamic data analysis based on deconvolution is proposed to quantitatively evaluate the difference of fracture characteristics between flowback stage and production stage in this paper. Firstly, the seepage flow models and their Laplace solutions corresponding to flowback stage and production stage are given. Secondly, the pressure deconvolution algorithm is used to normalize the dynamic production data of the two stages. Then, the normalization parameter adjustment of deconvolution calculation and the parameter adjustment of theoretical seepage flow model calculation are mutually restricted in the process of typical curve fitting, and the fracture half-length and fracture conductivity of the two stages are interpreted respectively. Finally, the conductivity modulus is introduced to quantitatively evaluate the difference of fracture characteristics between flowback stage and production stage. The established method is used to analyze 10 wells in the field. The results show that this method can effectively quantify the difference of fracturing fracture characteristics between flowback stage and production stage; compared with the flowback stage, the fracture conductivity decreased by about two orders of magnitude in the production stage, and the fracture closed significantly. The analysis method established in this paper has important reference value for the optimization of stimulation measures in the later stage of shale gas reservoir.
来源 力学学报 ,2023,55(6):1382-1393 【核心库】
DOI 10.6052/0459-1879-23-031
关键词 页岩气 ; 分段压裂水平井 ; 动态数据分析 ; 反褶积 ; 特征曲线

1. 北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院, 北京, 100083  

2. 中国石油勘探开发研究院, 北京, 100083  

3. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 石油、天然气工业
基金 中国石油科技创新基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:7509134

参考文献 共 37 共2页

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