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Progress of Cutting Force Modelling in Micromilling


文摘 微铣削加工是实现具有三维复杂结构和材料多样性特征的微型零部件制造的有效技术手段,具有日益广阔的应用前景。然而由于刀具尺寸及加工参数的急剧缩减,微铣削表现出显著不同于传统铣削的加工机理。作为理解微铣削加工机理的最重要基础之一,至今已有大量关于微铣削力建模的研究,但是它们主要针对单一现象或者某几个现象进行研究,尚少有系统完善的理论来解释微铣削加工的力学过程,因此对微铣削加工切削力的全面总结是非常必要的。结合国内外微铣削技术的最新研究进展,从微铣削与传统铣削的不同加工机理出发,对微铣削力建模进行全面的论述和总结,并重点介绍刀刃钝圆半径、刀具跳动、挠性变形和刀具磨损对微铣削力建模的影响。探讨了目前微铣削力建模方法中的热点与难点,并指出了现有微铣削力建模有待研究的内容。
其他语种文摘 Micromilling is an effective manufacturing technology for 3D microstructure parts with various material characteristics and has widely application prospects. However, due to sharp decreases of the machining scale and parameters, micromilling process shows many differences from traditional milling. There have been a lot of researches on micromilling process and cutting force modeling, but they mainly aimed at a single phenomenon or a few phenomena, at present there is no systematic study that describes the micromilling mechanics, so it is necessary to comprehensively review the cutting force modeling approaches. The cutting force modeling of micromilling is thoroughly discussed and summarized, by combining the latest research progress of the micromilling technology at home and abroad, and starting from the different mechanics between micromilling and traditional milling. The effects of cutting edge radius, tool runout, deflection and tool wear on cutting force modeling are surveyed. In the end, hot research topics are raised and problems that yet to be investigated are summarized.
来源 机械工程学报 ,2016,52(17):20-34 【核心库】
DOI 10.3901/jme.2016.17.020
关键词 微铣削 ; 切削力建模 ; 加工机理

中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院先进制造技术研究所, 常州, 213164

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0577-6686
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 中国科学院"百人计划"A类择优和国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5798679

参考文献 共 92 共5页

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