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Research Advance in Smart Metamaterials


于相龙   周济 *  
文摘 本文以智能超材料关键技术为主线,基础研究和新产品研发为辅,简要论述近年来智能超材料的发展现状和趋势。根据智能超材料所调控激元的不同,可分为智能电磁超材料,智能机械超材料,智能热学超材料,智能耦合超材料,此外两项关键技术为智能超材料新型设计与仿真技术和材料制备技术与材料基因工程。这些智能超材料在科学基础研究方面涉及超材料中多物理场耦合机制,新型人工原子与人工分子设计,超材料与自然材料的融合,超材料可调性探索和新型传感型超材料机制探求。基础研发和技术拓展将推进智能超材料施展到更加广泛的应用领域,如微型天线及无线互联,光电磁隐身,医学图像上用的完美成像,航空航天和交通车辆所用的智能蒙皮,精密仪器制程与片上实验室集成型超材料等。基于上述国内外智能超材料研究的发展趋势,本文进行了系统性的分类厘清,并分析了其研究现状,给出了我国智能超材料发展的美好愿景。
其他语种文摘 Metamaterials, man-made materials, enable us to design our own "atoms", and thereby to create materials with unprecedented effective properties that have not yet been found in nature. Smart metamaterial is one of those that is an intelligent perceptive to the changes from external environments and simultaneously having the capability to respond to thermal and mechanical stimuli. This paper can provide a review on these smart metamaterials in perspective of science, engineering and industrial products. We divide smart metamaterials according to what they are tuning into: optical, mechanical, thermal and coupled smart metamaterials. The rest of two techniques we addressed are modelling/simulation and fabrication/gene engineering. All of these types smart materials presented here are associated with at least five fundamental research: coupled mechanism of multi-physics fields, man-made design for atom/molecular, metamaterials coupled with natural materials, tunability of metamaterials, and mechanism of sensing metamaterials. Therefore, we give a systematic overview of various potential smart metamaterials together with the upcoming challenges in the intriguing and promising research field.
来源 材料工程 ,2016,44(7):119-128 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2016.07.020
关键词 超材料 ; 光学超材料 ; 机械超材料 ; 热学超材料 ; 智能耦合超材料

清华大学材料学院, 新型陶瓷材料与精细工艺国家重点实验室, 北京, 100084

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4381
学科 一般工业技术
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  博士后项目基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5761899

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