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Experimental Technique of Titanium Fire in Aero-engine


文摘 钛火是现代航空发动机典型的灾难性故障。针对高推重比发动机对钛火试验技术的迫切需求,系统开展了摩擦氧浓度法钛合金燃烧技术及理论研究,建立了阻燃性能评价方法和摩擦着火模型,阐明了阻燃钛合金的阻燃机理。在总结近期研究进展基础上,从钛火的演化规律、机理和防控三个层次,提出钛火试验技术及应用研究的思路和方向,即接近发动机气流环境的阻燃性能综合评价、发动机气流环境的阻燃性能预测模型和阻燃技术的试验验证。未来实现发动机钛火防控体系的科学构建,助推压气机“全钛化”和发动机推重比不断提高。
其他语种文摘 Titanium fire is the typical catastrophic fault in the aero-engine. Aiming at the urgent demand for experimental technique of titanium fire from advanced high thrust-weight ratio aero-engine,the combustion technology and theory of titanium alloy based on friction oxygen concentration method (FOC) were systematically studied. The evaluation method of fireproof property and the friction ignition model were built, and the fireproof mechanism was illustrated. By generalizing recent progress in experimental technique of titanium fire from three levels, including evolutionary rule, mechanism and prevention and control technology, the ideas and directions of experimental technique associated with the application research of titanium fire in the future were proposed,namely overall evaluation of fireproof property close to air flow environment of the aero-engine,prediction model of fireproof property and experimental verification of fireproof technique under the air flow environment of aero-engine. It is necessary to establish the prevention system of titanium fire in aero-engine, which contributes to the realization of "full titanium" in compressor and to the increase of high thrust-weight ratio.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2016,36(3):20-26 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2016.3.004
关键词 高温钛合金 ; 摩擦氧浓度法 ; 阻燃性能 ; 燃烧机理 ; 钛火防控技术 ; 阻燃涂层

北京航空材料研究院, 先进钛合金航空科技重点实验室, 北京, 100095

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 金属学与金属工艺;航空
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中航工业技术创新基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5718078

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