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Assessment of Rural Development Types and Their Rurality in Eastern Coastal China


文摘 在界定农业主导、工业主导、商旅服务和均衡发展四个乡村发展类型的基础上,对中国东部沿海地区的乡村发展类型进行了划分.基于乡村对社会具有的功能构建了乡村性指数(RI)以刻划不同发展类型的乡村性强弱,并对东部沿海地区各发展类型的乡村性进行了评价.结果表明:东部沿海地区57.6%的县市一、二、三产业得到均衡发展:农业主导、工业主导和商旅服务业主导的发展地域类型分别占总面积的18.64%、11.99%和11.75%:农业主导乡村发展类型中乡村性较强(RI>0.5)的地域占到59.1%:工业主导乡村发展类型中乡村性弱(RI<0.4)和居中(0.4
其他语种文摘 Currently, both rural development and urban development in China are experiencing a transition period. the transformation of a traditional agricultural society into a modem industrial and urban society, and the economy is changing from a traditional planned economy to a modem market system. As a result, regional development factors reintegration and followed industrial restructuring have changed the rural areas in eastern coastal China deeply. Different rural development types were shaped basing on a carrier, which is composed of different industries. Accordingly, this paper defines four rural development types, i.e.agriculture-dominated rural development type, industry-dominated rural development type,balanced rural development type, and rural development type focusing on business, tourism and providing services, and classifies the rural development types in eastern coastal China.Then, an indicator system was established to assess the rurality index (RI) of different rural development types in eastern coastal China. The results showed: (1) Relying on the advantages of location and national lean policies, 57.6% of the total territory of eastern coastal China belongs to balanced rural development type, and 18.64%, 11.99% and 11.75% of the total area is shared by agriculture-dominated rural development type, industry-dominated rural development type, and rural development type focusing on business, tourism and providing services, respectively; (2) 59.1 % of the agriculture-dominated rural development type shows a strong rurality (RI > 0.5); (3) In the industry-dominated rural development type, the area with a weak rurality (RI < 0.4) and a moderate rurality (0.4 < RI < 0.5) takes up 33.4% and 42.8%, respectively; (4) In the rural development type focusing on business, tourism and providing services, the area with weak, strong and moderate rurality shares 42.7%, 27.3% and 30.0% of the total, respectively; (5) Almost half (45.8%) of the balanced rural development type with a moderate rurality, 17.2% of this type with a weak rurality, and 37% with a strong rurality. In some cases, the big difference of rurality index value among the same development types is due to the development of multi-functionality of current countryside and place-based rural development mode under globalization and socio-economic restructuring. Rural development depends on the change of its influencing factors. So, the rural development types classified in this paper can not always keep the same situation, at least the quantitative change occurs momently.
来源 地理学报 ,2009,64(4):426-434 【核心库】
关键词 乡村重构 ; 乡村发展类型 ; 乡村性指数 ; 中国东部沿海地区

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3570010

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