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Distributed Incremental Traffic Flow Big Data Forecasting Method Based on Road Network Correlation


文摘 针对城市道路拥堵问题的日益加剧的问题,智能化城市交通管理平台是缓解拥堵问题的有效方法,利用交通流大数据预测结果进行交通诱导,能够指导用户调整出行方案,有效缓解交通压力。研究了交通流大数据的分布式增量聚合方法,对海量交通流数据进行清洗统计,为交通流预测提供数据基础,基于交通流在路网中上下游路段的相关性分析,利用路口转弯率多阶分配将该相关性量化,构建基于路网相关性的空间权重矩阵,完成对于STARIMA模型的改进。通过应用试验证明,该方法能更准确的进行交通流预测,为交通诱导信息发布提供依据。
其他语种文摘 Along with the accelerating urbanization, there are more and more contradictions between the number of cars and urban transportation facilities. The congestion time and congested roads in cities are increasing. Intelligent urban traffic management platform is the effective method to alleviate the increasingly serious urban congestion problems. By using prediction results of traffic flow big data, the platform can guide users to adjust the travel plan, and ease the traffic pressure effectively. How to use a large number of spatio-temporal data related to traffic activities to predict the traffic flow is the key to realizing traffic guidance. In this article, a distributed incremental aggregation method for traffic flow data is studied. The method combines the distributed incremental data aggregation method with the traffic flow data cleaning rules, makes cleaning and counting of traffic flow big data, and provides data for traffic flow forecast. With the analysis of traffic flow correlation in the network of upstream and downstream, this article uses the multi-order of turning rate in the intersection to quantize the correlation, builds the spatial weight matrix based on the road network correlation, and improves the STARIMA model. In this article, two groups of contrast experiments were made. Through the contrast experiment between MapReduce method and MPI method, the result proves that the method proposed in this article is better than the MPI method in the development cycle and stable operation. The method's efficiency can meet the need of traffic flow data aggregation. The traffic flow statistics can be used as the basis of traffic flow forecasting. Through the contrast experiment between the Improved STARIMA model and the Dynamic STARIMA model, the result proves that the Improved STARIMA model, which considers the multi-order correlation between the upstream and downstream sections, matches the distribution rules of traffic flow in road network better. Therefore, the forecast results are more accurate. In conclusion, the method of this article is a new method of traffic flow forecasting in the background of big data, and it can realize accurate prediction.
来源 地理科学 ,2017,37(2):209-216 【核心库】
DOI 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.02.006
关键词 交通流 ; 大数据 ; 分布式增量 ; 路网相关性 ; STARIMA

河南财经政法大学,河南财经政法大学资源与环境学院, 中原经济区“三化”协调发展河南省协同创新中心, 河南, 郑州, 450046

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  河南财经政法大学博士科研启动基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5939557

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