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Relationship Between the Road Network and Regional Economic Development Based on the Fractal Theory


沈惊宏 1   陆玉麒 1   兰小机 2  
文摘 以安徽省17个地级市公路交通网络为研究对象,用分形技术测算出各等级公路网络的分维数,并构建了度量综合路网的权维数模型。经过实证得出区域路网分维数受路网面积大小影响,继而对地级市进行了面积区划,把各类区的路网权维数、干线分维数和综合经济指数做相关分析。研究发现各市的路网分维数与综合经济指数呈正相关,说明了路网覆盖度越均匀,交通网络越复杂地区经济发展越好。为进一步探求各市公路建设和经济发展之间的协调关系,通过引进公路规模与经济产出的分形模型测算出17个地级市的分维数,发现有合肥市等6城市经济发展超前于公路规模,铜陵等4城市基本一致,马鞍山等7城市经济发展滞后于公路建设规模。
其他语种文摘 Road traffic networks in 17 cities of Anhui Province are taken as the study object in the article.It investigates that development of road construction in Anhui is from evenness and complexity,and the fractal dimensions of various road networks were calculated with the Hausdorff Fractal Dimension and the Dendrite Fractal Dimension of the fractal technology.And then the authors construct the weight dimension model measured the integrated road network.The various causes lead to the uneven development of traffic network,and there are obvious differences among these regions in Anhui.The result is that area size of the road network influences the fractal dimension of the road network.The authors divide 17 cities into three parts based on their area,and performs the correlation analysis between the weight dimensions,the fractal dimensions of the main road lines and the general economy indexes.The result shows that the fractal dimensions of the road network in various cities and the composite economic indexes are correlative.It can be explained that the evener is coverage degree of the road network,the more complex is the transport network and the better is regional economic development.To further seek coordination relations between highway construction and the economic development in various cities,the authors calculate the fractal dimensions of 17 cities introducing the fractal model of road construction scale-economic output.We discover that economic development exceeds the road scale in 6 cities,basically consistent in 4 cities,and economy development lags in highway construction scale in 7 cities.At the same time,if economic development dropped behind highway construction scale it would not necessarily mean that economic development was clear laggard;contrarily,if economic development was in advance to highway construction scale it would not necessarily mean that economic development must be good.It has relative relation between economic development and highway construction scale.
来源 地理科学 ,2012,32(6):658-665 【核心库】
关键词 公路网络 ; 权维数 ; 综合经济指数 ; 公路规模-经济发展关系模型

1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏, 南京, 210046  

2. 江西理工大学建筑与测绘学院, 江西, 赣州, 341000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4573474

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