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Remediation effects of a new type of silicate passivator on cadmium-contaminated soil


文摘 通过活化蒙脱石中硅(Si)元素制备新型硅酸盐土壤重金属钝化剂,并在高效钝化重金属的同时为作物生长提供营养成分。采用盆栽试验研究了新型硅酸盐钝化剂对土壤pH和镉(Cd)形态分布的影响,同时考察了钝化剂对小白菜生物量、株高及Cd含量的影响,探讨了钝化剂对土壤镉污染可能的钝化机理及效果。结果表明,在Cd含量为3 mg·kg~(-1)和5 mg·kg~(-1)污染土壤上施加新型硅酸盐钝化剂均可显著增加小白菜的生物量并降低其重金属含量,土壤Cd含量为3 mg·kg~(-1)时施加5‰硅酸盐钝化剂可使小白菜生物量增加25%、Cd含量降低59.17%;添加5‰钝化剂可使土壤pH升高约1.4个单位,且土壤中弱酸溶解态镉含量分别降低19.8%和9.40%。由此可见,新型硅酸盐钝化剂可有效降低酸性镉污染土壤中可迁移态Cd含量并促进作物生长。
其他语种文摘 A new type of heavy metal passivator was prepared by activatingsilicon(Si)in montmorillonite, which can passivate the heavy metals in soil and provide nutrients for the growth of crops. The effects of the silicate passivator on the pH of soil, the forms of cadmium(Cd) in soil, and the biomass, plant height, and heavy metal content of pakchoi were investigated in pot experiments. The possible immobilization mechanism of Cd was elucidated. The results showed that the biomass of pakchoi increased and the Cd content of pakchoi decreased obviously after addition of the silicate passivating agent. The biomass and Cd content of pakchoi were increased by 25% and decreased by 59.17%, respectively, after 5‰ passivator was added to a Cd content of 3 mg·kg~(-1) in the soil. The soil pH increased about 1.4 pH units, and the contents of weak acid-extracted Cd decreased by 19.8% and 9.40%, respectively, after 5‰ passivator was added to Cd contents of 3 and 5 mg·kg~(-1) in the soil. Thus, the silicate passivating agent could effectively reduce the content of migrating Cd in acidic Cd-contaminated soil and promote the growth of crops.
来源 农业环境科学学报 ,2017,36(10):2007-2013 【核心库】
DOI 10.11654/jaes.2017-0471
关键词 土壤 ; 重金属 ; ; 硅酸盐钝化剂 ; 蒙脱石

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室;;广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-2043
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 广东省省级科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6098844

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