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The Research Approaches, Formation Mechanisms and Influential Factors of Illusion of Control


文摘 控制幻觉是指在完全不可控或部分不可控的情境下, 个体由于不合理地高估自己对环境或事件结果的控制力而产生的一种判断偏差. 控制幻觉普遍存在于博彩游戏、医疗保健、心理健康、投资决策等实践领域. 控制幻觉的研究方法主要包括间接测量方法、自我报告方法和实验室任务方法. 控制启发式理论和调节定向理论则对控制幻觉的产生原因进行了解释. 控制幻觉的影响因素包括人格因素、动机、权力、反馈、事件与个体的关联性、指导语等. 未来的研究可从控制幻觉的多变量及交互作用研究、跨文化研究、调控策略研究等方面做进一步探讨
其他语种文摘 Illusion of control is defined as a judgment bias that individuals overestimate control over environment or events results when uncontrollable conditions or where actual control was possible. Illusion of control refers to gambling, lottery, health care, mental health, investment and other fields. The research approaches of illusion of control include indirect measure, self-report and laboratory tasks. Then we summarize two formation mechanisms of illusion of control: control heuristic theory and regulatory focus theory. The influential factors on illusion of control contain personality, motive, power, feedback, relevance between event and individual, instruction and so on.. Finally, some issuses should be research further, such as multiple variables and interaction research on illusion of control, cross-culture research and regulation stratege and so on
来源 心理科学进展 ,2010,18(5):800-809 【扩展库】
关键词 控制幻觉 ; 控制感 ; 控制启发式 ; 调节定向

华中师范大学心理学院, 湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室, 武汉, 430079

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-3710
学科 社会科学总论
文献收藏号 CSCD:3937346

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