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Concentration Mechanism of Ore-Forming Fluid in Huize Lead-Zinc Deposits, Yunnan Province


张振亮 1   黄智龙 1   饶冰 2   管涛 1   严再飞 1  
文摘 云南会泽铅锌矿床位于扬子板块西缘川-黔-滇铅锌银多金属成矿域的中南部,严格受断裂带的控制.长期以来,对于该矿的成矿流体来源存在着较大的争论.研究表明,矿石中脉石矿物方解石的C、O同位素组成相对均一,其δ13C(PDB)为-2.1×10-3~-3.5×10-3、极差-1.4×10-3、均值-2.8×10-3,δ18O(SMOW)为16.7×10-3~18.6×10-3、极差1.9×10-3、均值17.7×10-3,不同矿体(不同标高)、不同产状以及相同矿体不同产状方解石的C、O同位素组成不具明显差别;除了纯液相包裹体(L)和富液相的气液两相包裹体(L+V)外,还存在含子晶的三相包裹体(S+L+V)和不混溶的CO2三相包裹体(VCO2+LCO2+LH2O),流体包裹体均一温度介于110~400℃之间,具有双峰现象;矿床的(87Sr/86Sr)0(0.713 676~0.717 012)不仅明显高于地幔(0.704±0.002)和峨嵋山玄武岩(0.703 932~0.707 818;85件样品)的(87Sr/86Sr)0,也相对高于矿区赋矿地层(C1b)的(87Sr/86Sr)0(0.708 68~0.709 31;3件样品),但明显低于基底岩石的(87Sr/86Sr)0(0.724 3~0.728 8;5件样品),且成矿过程中流体基本没有发生Sr同位素分馏现象.因此,成矿流体为均一流体,是不同性质流体的混合产物,具有多源性.而从气液两相包裹体盐度-均一温度图解可以看出,在300~400℃区间,包裹体盐度基本被孤立为两群:一群为5%~6%(w(NaCl)),另一群为12%~16%(w(NaCl)).而在100~300℃特别是150~250℃区间,包裹体盐度则基本均匀分布在7%~23%(w(NaCl))之间.断裂带形成压力为(50~320)×105 Pa,矿体上覆岩石压力为(574~640)×105 Pa,矿床成矿压力为(145~754)×105 Pa.流体在上升到断裂带后压力的剧降,导致了沸腾作用的发生.在混合作用和沸腾作用的双重影响下,受狭窄断裂带控制的成矿流体高度浓缩,金属矿物得以大规模地从流体中沉淀出来,形成品位极高的铅锌矿石.
其他语种文摘 The Huize Pb-Zn ore deposits, Yunnan Province, located in the southern-center of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn-Ag multimetal mineralization district, are strictly controlled by faulted zones. There has long been controversy about the sources of ore-forming fluid in these ore deposits. Calcite is one of the gangue minerals in the ores of these ore deposits. Their ^CCPDB) values vary from -2. 1X1O~3 to-3. 5XKT3, and their £18O(SMOW) values are 16. 7X HT3 to 18. 6X 10~3. There are no obvious difference in the ^3C(PDB) values and the i^'OCSMOW) values of calcites from different ore-bodies, different occurrences and different elevations. Besides pure liquid inclusions (L) and gas-liquid inclusions with rich liquid (L+V), three-phase inclusions containing a daughter (S+L+V) and immiscible three-phase CO2 inclusions (Vco2 + I-co2 +Lh2o) occur in the minerals, The homogenization temperatures of all these inclusions vary from 110 "C to 400 °C , and have two peaks. (S7Sr/stiSr)o ratios of these ore deposits (0. 713 676 - 0. 717 012) are obviously higher than those of the mantle (0. 704 + 0. 002) and Emeishan basalt (0. 703 932 - 0. 707 818; 85 samples), and slightly higher than those of the Baizuo Formation of Huize lead-zinc ore deposits (0. 708 68-0. 709 31 j 3 samples). But all these ratios are lower than the ones of the basement rocks (0. 724 3-0. 728 8; 5 samples). The (87Sr/86Sr)0 ratios of these ore deposits also show that the isotopic fractionation of Sr does not occur in the ore-forming fluid during the precipitation of minerals. So, the ore-forming fluid is homogeneous and a product of different fluid mixing. Gas-liquid inclusions can be obviously separated into two groups in the range of 300-400 "C according to their salinities: a group with the salinity of 5% - 6% (w(NaCD) and the other group with the salinity of 12% -16% (uXNaCD). However, the salinities of inclusions vary from 7% to 23% (w(NaCD) in the range of 100-300 'C , especially the range of 150 - 250 "C. The pressures of faulted zones are 5OX1O5-320X105 Pa and the pressures of overlying rocks on the ore bodies are 574X 105 -640X 105 Pa, and those of the ore-forming processes vary from 145X 10s to 754X105 Pa. When the ore-forming fluid flows into the faulted zones, its pressure sharply reduces. Then boiling occurs in the ore-forming processes. As a result of fluids mixing and boiling, the ore-forming fluid is highly concentrated. When the fluid is saturated or oversaturated, metallic minerals begin to precipitate on a great scale. So, the grade of lead-zinc ores is very high.
来源 地球科学 ,2005,30(4):443-450 【核心库】
关键词 混合流体 ; 沸腾作用 ; 降压 ; 高品位

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 中科院矿床地球化学开放实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 南京大学地球科学系, 内生金属成矿机制研究国家重点实验室, 江苏, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-2383
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  云南省科技厅省院省校科技合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2003796

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引证文献 4

1 张振亮 流体沸腾机制探讨及在石油地质中的可能性——来自合成流体包裹体的证据 地质学报,2007,81(5):695-700
CSCD被引 2

2 张振亮 均匀流体和不均匀流体的形成机制:来自合成流体包裹体的证据 地球科学,2008,33(2):259-265
CSCD被引 4


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