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Mineralization systems of a mantle plume: A case study from the Emeishan igneous province,southwest China


文摘 地幔柱沟通了地核、地幔、地壳各个圈层之间的物质与能量交换,提供了板内构造岩浆活动及成矿作用的一种重要的动力学机制.峨眉山地幔柱是晚古生代全球最显著的地幔柱活动之一,形成了多种有重大资源经济价值的矿床类型.以峨眉山地幔柱为例,对几种典型矿床类型的产出特征及成因进行了系统分析,阐述了地幔柱成矿系统中各种成矿作用与地幔柱构造岩浆活动的关系及成矿机理.(1)通过对部分典型岩浆硫化物矿床的地质地球化学特征和矿化特征分析,揭示了峨眉山大火成岩省不同矿化特征的岩浆硫化物矿床形成于统一的地幔柱岩浆活动体系,并与峨眉山玄武岩为同源演化关系,岩浆演化过程及硫化物熔离富集过程存在的差异造成了矿化类型的变异.(2)对攀西地区4个超大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床进行了详尽的地质地球化学分析,论述了成矿岩浆的性质、与峨眉山玄武岩的关系及成岩演化过程和成矿模式,表明成矿母岩浆来自于地幔柱,但经历了较大程度的地壳混染作用,提出岩浆的多次补给混合及结晶锋面上发生的双扩散造成的液态分层导致了韵律条带矿石的形成.(3)阐述了滇黔相邻地区玄武岩型自然铜和黑铜矿铜矿化现象,指出玄武岩岩浆气液阶段的自变质作用和玄武岩构造变质热液蚀变改造作用两种方式造成铜矿化富集,岩浆气液阶段的自变质作用可能持续到236~223Ma,构造变质热液蚀变改造作用发生在139~149Ma.(4)以云南会泽铅锌矿为重点,通过成矿时代、成矿物质来源、成矿流体来源及成矿热动力条件的综合分析,探讨了峨眉山玄武岩与铅锌成矿的关系,论证了川-滇-黔铅锌多金属成矿域成矿作用与地幔柱活动存在成因上的密切联系.
其他语种文摘 The theory of mantle plumes casts a new light on explaining intraplate magmatism and mineralization in the dynamics of the Earth. Several important ore deposit types have strong links with the Emeishan igneous province which is thought to be related to a mantle plume. Using the Emeishan as a case study, we discuss the metallogeny of various deposit types and the relationship between the mineralization and magmatism of a man-tle plume. Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE deposits are important ones in the mineralization system of the Emeishan mantle plume. Studies on the geochemistry and mineralization of typical Cu-Ni-PGE deposits, indicate that the ore-bearing intrusions have genetic link with the Emeishan Continental Flood Basalt (ECFB). The parental magma of ore-bearing intrusion is a high-Mg basalt originated from high degree partial melting in center of the mantle plume. The Cu-Ni-PGE deposits are originate within the inner zone of the mantle plume, from which low-Ti basalts are erupted. The paper provides a summary study of geology and geochemistry of the four giant V-Ti magnetite deposits in the Pan-Xi area, and concludes that the parental magma of the deposits originated from the Emeishan mantle plume. The magmas experienced crustal contamination. Furthermore, multiple pul-ses of magma, magma mixing, double diffusion at the crystallization frontier led to the formation of the rhyth-mic ores. We also discuss the large-scale native copper mineralization in the border areas between Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces. Geochronological and geochemical evidence indicates that this copper mineralization is asso-ciated with magma fractionation during the terminal stage of lava eruptions and the inception of hydrothermal activation. Taking the Huize Pb-Zn deposit as an example, we have studied the genetic relationship between Emeishan basalt and Pb-Zn deposits in terms of ore-forming age, ore-forming material source, ore-forming flu-id source and metallogeno-thermal dynamics. The results show that the metallogeny of the Pb-Zn deposits in the district has a close relationship with the emplacement of the ECFB.
来源 地学前缘 ,2005,12(1):42-54 【核心库】
关键词 峨眉山地幔柱 ; 成矿系统 ; 岩浆硫化物矿床 ; V-Ti磁铁矿矿床 ; 玄武岩型铜矿 ; 铅锌矿

中国科学院,地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-2321
学科 地质学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  中国科学院项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1910441

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