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Design and application of fast steering mirror system


文摘 激光在大气中传输时,由于大气湍流的存在,会导致光束漂移和能量集中度下降。校正倾斜像差,可以提高激光在大气中传输的质量,而快速倾斜镜正是倾斜像差校正的关键部件。设计了一个基于柔性轴结构的二维压电陶瓷型快速倾斜镜,采用高压运算放大器PA96制作其驱动电源,并选用TMS320F2812型DSP芯片作为倾斜镜控制系统的核心处理器,经实验测试表明,该快速倾斜镜的偏转范围达到1.8 mrad,谐振频率为432 Hz,角分辨力约为0.5 μrad。最后将此系统应用于激光大气传输倾斜像差校正实验中,实验结果表明,该系统能够有效提高光斑能量集中度并降低光斑漂移,可以应用于激光大气传输中对倾斜像差的校正。
其他语种文摘 With the existence of atmospheric turbulence, laser propagation in atmosphere can lead to light spot tilt and energy convergence decline. Correcting tilt aberration can increase the quality of laser propagation in atmosphere, and fast steering mirror is the key component of tilt aberration correction. A two-dimension PZT driving fast steering mirror with flexible axis structure was designed, which used the high voltage operational amplifier PA96 to make the driving power, and selected the DSP chip of TMS320F2812 version as the core processor of the control system. Indicated by the test of experiments, the range of deflection of the fast steering mirror is 1.8 mrad, the resonant frequency is 432 Hz, and the angle resolution is about 0.5 μrad. The mirror system was used in the experiment of correcting tilt aberration in laser propagation in atmosphere.The experiment shows that the system can effectively increase facula energy convergence and reduce facula shift, and it can be applied to correcting tilt aberration in laser propagation in atmosphere.
来源 强激光与粒子束 ,2015,27(5):051003-1-051003-6 【核心库】
DOI 10.11884/HPLPB201527.051003
关键词 激光大气传输 ; 快速倾斜镜 ; 驱动电源 ; DSP芯片 ; 驱动控制系统

中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 中国科学院大气成分与光学重点实验室, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4322
学科 物理学
基金 脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室开放基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5440042

参考文献 共 11 共1页

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