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Wang Zhan, Plasma Science & Technology, 2015, 17(3), 191-195 被引 2 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Plasma Science & Technology(2) 1. 2018(2) 1. Ren Chunsheng 大连理工大学(2) 1. 物理学(2)
2. Hao Zeyu 大连理工大学(2)
3. Song Jian 大连理工大学(2)

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1 Plasma characteristics of direct current enhanced cylindrical inductively coupled plasma source
Hua Yue; Song Jian; Hao Zeyu
Plasma Science & Technology, 2018, 20(6), 065402-1-065402-8 2
2 Effects of direct current discharge on the spatial distribution of cylindrical inductively-coupled plasma at different gas pressures
Hua Yue; Song Jian; Hao Zeyu
Plasma Science & Technology, 2018, 20(1), 014005-1-014005-9 1
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