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Zheng Zheng, Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23(5), 1169-1172 被引 6 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Chinese Physics. B(3) 1. 2013(2) 1. Zhou Yajun 哈尔滨工业大学(2) 1. 物理学(6)
2. Chinese Physics Letters(1) 2. 2008(1) 2. Zhou Yajun 吉林大学(2)
3. 原子与分子物理学报(1) 3. 2007(1) 3. Wang Yuancheng 哈尔滨工业大学(2)

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1 Differential cross sections for electron impact excitation of molecular hydrogen using the momentum-space multichannel optical method
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Chinese Physics. B, 2016, 25(4), 43401-1-43401-5 0
2 Electronic Excitation of H_2 by Electron Impact Using Multichannel Static-Exchange-Optical Method
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Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(7), 073401-1-073401-4 0
3 Momentum-space calculation of electron-CO elastic collision
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Chinese Physics. B, 2013, 22(2), 023402-1-023402-4 0
4 Elastic scattering of electrons from water molecule
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5 计算中低能量电子与水分子弹性散射微分截面
刘俊伯; 周雅君
原子与分子物理学报, 2008, 25(5), 1261-1264 2
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