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The measurement of flat fields and polarization offset from the routine observation data of a solar rotation


白先勇 1 *   邓元勇 1   王怡然 2   刘四清 2   毛信杰 1,3  
文摘 平场和偏振本底改正是全日面单色像和偏振像数据处理的必要步骤.本文假设太阳自转一周过程中望远镜的平场和偏振本底不变,基于此从怀柔太阳观测基地第2144个卡林顿周的单色像和Stokes Q/I, U/I, V/I图像中利用中值算法提取出平场和Stokes I到Q, U, V的偏振本底.利用该方法提取的平场中包含一些小尺度的脏点、大尺度的光强不均匀性,提取的Stokes I到V的偏振本底成马鞍面分布, Stokes I到Q, U的偏振本底成倒钟形分布.平场改正后可以得到较理想的单色像.日面边缘偏振本底较大的宁静区扣除偏振本底后Stokes Q/I, U/I, V/I的平均值分别为-0.8×10~(-4), 0.9×10~(-4), 1.3×10~(-4),远小于改正前的-6.8×10~(-4), 2×10~(-3), 1.7×10~(-3).该方法无需定标观测,从常规观测数据中即可提取出平场和偏振本底,对天基、远程无人值守观测的数据标定具有重要的应用价值.
其他语种文摘 The correction of flat fields and polarization offset is a necessary step in the reduction of the full-disk solar observing data. The general used methods of the measurement of flat fields are summarized as follows. The first one is realized by randomly moving the solar telescope and making an average of thousands of observed images of the quiet region near the disk center, which is adopted by the large aperture solar telescopes with a small field-of-view. The second one is to shift the solar images with slightly different pointings, which is mostly used in the full-disk solar images. The third method is to use a diffuser to generate the uniform light source and it can be used in the full-disk solar images, too. Observing the nearby continuum of the selected working spectral line is generally used to obtain the polarization offset. It is worth to mention that, all these methods need special calibration observing mode and occupy the valuable scientific observation time. In the paper, we propose a new method to derive the flat fields and polarization offset from the routine observing data. Assuming that the flat fields and polarization offset do not change during a solar rotation, we firstly got the formula which can be used in the calculation of flat fields and polarization offset in the case of the ideal and real telescope guiding and pointing accuracy. The core algorithm in the formula is median process. Moreover, we obtained the flat fields and the crosstalk from Stokes I to Q, U and V using the above mentioned formula from series of the routine observed monochromatic image and Stokes Q/I, U/I and V/I images belonging to the Carrington Rotation 2144 observed by Huairou Solar Observing Station. The derived flat fields could not only reflect the small-scale dirty points but also the large-scale non-uniform pattern from the whole telescope system, which can be removed after the flat-fielding process. The distribution of the resulting Stokes V/I offset from Stokes I to V seems to be a Saddle surface, while that of the Stokes Q/I and U/I from I to Q, U is an upside-down bell shape. In order to evaluate the validity of the correction of the polarization offset we choose a quiet region near the solar limb as an example. The averaged value of Stokes V/I, Q/I and U/I in the region after polarization offset correction is -0.8×10~(-4), 0.9×10~(-4), 1.3×10~(-4), while that before correction is -6.8×10~(-4), 2×10~(-3), 1.7×10~(-3), respectively. It is quite clear that the Stokes V/I, Q/I and U/I improved a lot after the correction of the polarization offset. The main disadvantage of the method is that it can only correct the crosstalk from Stokes I to Q, U and V, incapable of the correction of that from Stokes V to Q and U. Some other methods are needed so as to make up the disadvantages. We suggest that the above mentioned method can be considered as one of the calibration methods for the space-borne or remote unattended full-disk solar observing instrument because it only uses the routine observation data without any other special calibration observation.
来源 科学通报 ,2018,63(3):301-310 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/N972017-00571
关键词 平场 ; 太阳 ; 图像分析 ; 偏振 ; 光度测量

1. 中国科学院太阳活动重点实验室, 中国科学院太阳活动重点实验室, 北京, 100012  

2. 中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 北京, 100190  

3. 北京师范大学天文系, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0023-074X
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院战略性先导科技专项 ;  中国科学院太阳活动重点实验室开放课题
文献收藏号 CSCD:6185567

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引证文献 2

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2 胡兴 基于神经网络的双折射窄带滤光器型磁像仪观测波长点的定标 中国激光,2023,50(13):1304005
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