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The Differences between High Creative Persons and Low Creative Persons in Directing Forgetting Effects


张克 1   杜秀敏 2 *   仝宇光 2  
文摘 采用单字法定向遗忘范式,考察远距离联想任务得分高低者在中性和负性词语定向遗忘效应上的差异,来探讨创造性思维水平高低与主动抑制的关系。实验采用2 (高/低创造性思维水平)×2(中性/负性词汇)×2(记住/忘记指令)间间隔)混合设计,发现高低创造力组,在材料不同呈现时间下,对不同情绪材料的定向遗忘效应分别不同。低创者在28和5s以及高创者在5s时间间隔时,均对中性词语表现出定向遗忘效应,而对负性词汇没有表现出明显的定性遗忘效应。高创者在2s时间间隔下,对中性和负性词语均表现出定向遗忘效应。结果表明较短时间内高创者对负性情绪的主动抑制能力优于低创者。
其他语种文摘 Numerous studies show that creativity is related to attention, memory, language, thinking and other cognitive processes. According to previous research, there are three different views on the cognitive psychological mechanism of creative performance levels during the problem solving process. The first view is that cognitive inhibition is critical to creative performance. The second view is that t cognitive inhibition prevents useless information and is beneficial to creative performance. The third view, the adaptive cognitive inhibition hypothesis, claims that the attention of the highly creative person is not always focused, but changes according to the creative task and the different stages of problem solving. All the past research pays attention to the automatic inhibition, which occurs at the unconscious level. Compared with less creative persons, the performance of highly creative persons during intentional inhibition tasks remains questionable. Since directed forgetting paradigm (DF) can explore one's intentional cognitive inhibition with regard to memory, it is used to investigate the different ability in intentional inhibition between people with different levels of creative performance. This study conducted one experiment involving 48 college students. The experiment employed a 2×2×2×2 mixed model design. The four manipulated variables were as follows: (a) For the creative level: high creative performance or less creative performance; (b) For the emotion valence: neutral or negative; (c) For the cue: remember or forget; (d) For the duration time before cue presented: 2s or 5s. In the learning stage, 40 words (20 neutral, 20 negative) were presented randomly one by one in 2s or 5s intervals, followed by a cue "remember" or "forget" to ask the participants to remember or forget the word. Then the participants were asked to do distraction task immediately by adding two-digit numbers in their heads for 2 minutes. After the distraction task, they were given a recognition test including 40 studied words and 40 new words. All the words presented in the learning stage were judged to be "old", words not seen were judged to be "new". The results are as follows: (l)Less creative subjects showed obvious directed forgetting effect in neutral words at duration of 2s and 5s, but not in the negative words; (2) Highly creative subjects showed an obvious directed forgetting effect in neutral words at duration of 2s and 5s. But the directed forgetting effect reduced only when the negative words were presented for 5s. When the negative words were presented for 2s, there was an obvious directed forgetting effect. These results suggested that compared with less creative subjects, highly creative ones are better at inhibiting negative information. In summary, we investigated the differences between highly creative persons and less creative persons in their directed forgetting effect. The results show that persons who get higher scores in creative tasks are better at intentional cognitive inhibition in negative words at a shorter time than the ones who get lower scores. The results agree with adaptive cognitive inhibition hypotheses. The current study indicates that highly creative persons can focus on wanted information and inhibit unwanted information intentionally. Highly creative people are more likely to forget information, especially the negative information that they don't want.
来源 心理科学 ,2017,40(3):514-519 【核心库】
DOI 10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20170301
关键词 创造性思维水平 ; 定向遗忘 ; 主动抑制 ; 负性情绪

1. 中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101  

2. 河北大学教育学院, 保定, 071002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-6981
基金 河北省社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6002997

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