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Geothermal Energy Exploitation, Utilization, and Its Development Trend in China


文摘 我国地热资源相当丰富,应用潜力巨大,因此,大力发展地热能能够缓解能源供应紧张局面,很大程度上解决因大量使用化石能源所造成严重的空气污染问题。在我国,应根据资源分布特点制定地热发展规划,在资源品质较好的地区发展地热发电,在有条件的地区发展各种地热直接利用技术,采用综合梯级利用提高资源利用效率。今后开发利用地热能,政府应加大对地热能利用的政策支持,鼓励企业加大资金投入;同时开发商应做好规划和布局,优选技术路线,使得地热能的利用由无序变有序,朝着更加科学合理的方向发展。
其他语种文摘 Geothermal resources are very rich in China, which has great practical potential. Vigorous expansion of geothermal can ease the energy shortage, and largely solve the serious problem of air pollution caused by the massive use of fossil fuels. In China, geothermal development planning should be drawn up, according to distribution characteristics of geothermal resources and local social characteristics. In the west and southwest of China, geothermal power should be priorly developed. Because the grade of geothermal resources is relatively high in this area, density of population is small, the effect of geothermal power on human’s life and production is little, electricity is easy to transport and it can ease the pressure on the national electricity demand to a certain extent. In the southeast coastal areas, temperature is high in summer, the hot weather lasts long, thus the energy consumption for refrigeration is quite large. If the rich geothermal resources can be used for refrigeration, the problem of power supply shortage can be greatly alleviated. In the northeast and north of China, the demand for heating is huge. Now coal is the main fuel, so air pollution is very serious, which affects seriously the quality of life of local people. As a kind of clean and high quality energy, geothermal energy can supply heat sustainably and stably, and it is the best alternative to northern heating energy. The ground source heat pump can be developed in the area where geothermal resource grade is relatively low, which is the effective way of saving energy and reducing energy’s consumption. The development of geothermal energy is of important strategic significance for China’s economic and social development. But in fact, the quantity of government investment is limited, the development of geothermal heating and ground source heat pump depends on enterprises mainly. Profit is the only purpose of enterprises, so a lot of high-quality resources have been exploited preferentially because of high return from investment, and geothermal resources which are difficult to be exploited are generally ignored. Exploitation for geothermal resources by enterprises is in a state of disorder, which makes geothermal resources wasted tremendously. All of above are not benefit for long-term development of geothermal energy. Measures are necessary to be adopted for the development of geothermal energy. Firstly, researchers and investors should be banded together to realize important role of themselves and considerable economic benefit in the development of geothermal energy, and to be inspired of great enthusiasm on the exploiting geothermal resources. Secondly, government guidance and policy support are necessary, and enthusiasm will be greatly improved if regulation about subsidy measures of geothermal exploitation is launched.
来源 中国科学院院刊 ,2016,31(2):199-207 【核心库】
DOI 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2016.02.006
关键词 地热能 ; 开发利用 ; 现状 ; 发展

中国科学院广州能源研究所, 中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3045
基金 中科院学部咨询项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5640273

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