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Perspective on Development of Distributed Bioenergy Utilization


文摘 分布式生物质能源技术对原料种类适应性强,项目规模灵活、可满足特殊用户的需求,在小规模下具有更好的经济性,更易于商业化发展,符合生物质资源特点和我国国情。生物质能分布式利用方式主要包括生物质成型燃料和生物燃气两方面,关键技术包括生物质成型燃料加工及燃烧、大中型沼气工程技术、生物质气化热解及燃气利用等。我国分布式生物质能源技术目前主要处于进行技术完善和应用示范阶段,预计到2030年前大部分关键技术将基本成熟,具备产业化的条件。我国分布式生物质能产业发展的主要方向是传统燃煤燃气替代、城镇/农村清洁生活能源供应和农村生态环境保护,发展重点是服务节能减排战略,利用生物质实现部分替代工业燃料,减少燃煤/燃油带来的污染,同时围绕国家新型城镇化战略,为新农村建设提供可持续的清洁能源,提高农村生态环境保护水平。目前制约分布式生物质能产业发展的最主要瓶颈是经济性和可靠性,国家应在技术创新和政策支持方面增加投入,将生物质能的环境效益和社会效益转化为成本效益,推动生物质能分布式利用产业的发展。
其他语种文摘 Biomass has a number of characteristics, including diverse sources, dispersed distribution, and low energy density, that makes it more appropriate for distributed utilization based on local scenarios. China is one of the largest agricultural countries in the world, where agricultural residue resources are available in large quantities, but modernization level of rural areas and agriculture remains low and agricultural residues are scattered and not utilized effectively. Distributed bioenergy technology has great flexibility in fuel, scale, and application mode, which has better economic performance in small scale. It fits the characteristics of biomass resources and domestic conditions in China, thus can realize commercialization more easily. Pellet and fuel gas are two main patterns of distributed bioenergy utilization. The key technologies include pelleting, pellet combustion, medium and large-scale biogas engineering, pyrolysis gasification, and fuel gas utilization. Currently, the distributed bioenergy technologies are still in demonstration phase. It is estimated that most of the key technologies will be well developed for industrialization before 2030. The promotion of China’s national strategies such as new-type urbanization and new rural construction requires substantial clean energy supply. The main development directions of distributed bioenergy industry in China include substitution of tradition fuels, clean energy for household consumption in town and country, and environmental protection in rural areas. The most promising distributed bioenergy utilizations recently are household heating and fuel gas supply, which can effectively reduce coal dependence and relevant pollutions in rural areas. Taking into account the national strategy of energy conservation and pollution emission reduction and new-type urbanization, priority will be given to the substitution of coal and fuel oil in industry, as well as clean and sustainable energy supply in rural areas. However, economic performance and stability have become bottleneck. It is proposed that the government should increase financial support for technological creation, which will turn environmental and social benefits of bioenergy into cost-effectiveness and promote the development of distributed bioenergy industry.
来源 中国科学院院刊 ,2016,31(2):191-198 【核心库】
DOI 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2016.02.005
关键词 生物质能 ; 分布式 ; 成型燃料 ; 生物燃气 ; 路线图

中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3045
基金 中科院学部咨询项目 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5640272

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