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Theoretical Development of the Underlying Mechanism of Prosocial Behavior


肖凤秋 1   郑志伟 2   陈英和 1 *  
文摘 亲社会行为是指人们在社会交往中表现出来的谦让、帮助、合作、分享,甚至为了他人利益而做出自我牺牲的一切有助于社会和谐的行为及趋向。亲社会行为的产生机制一直是社会心理学的研究热点,研究者们不断提出各种理论、模型解释亲社会行为。本文通过对亲社会行为理论的梳理,将其按照发展顺序概括为进化理论阶段(亲缘选择理论、群体选择理论、互惠理论)、认知理论阶段(损失 - 奖赏的激励模型、社会信息加工模型、捐赠的二阶模型)、生物基础理论阶段(生物情感理论、脑机制模型)。最后对这些理论进行总结和评论,并提出未来亲社会行为理论可以进一步关注的问题。
其他语种文摘 Prosocial behavior refers to a broad category of actions that benefit other people or society, such as helping, comforting, sharing,cooperation, philanthropy, and community service. Since prosocial behavior among individuals is of great importance to promote sociability, it has been studied for a long time. A lots of theories and models appeared alongside of the heating discuss about the underlying mechanism of prosocial behavior. Generally speaking, the theories can be divided into three phases, such as the phase of evolutionary theories, the phase of cognitive theories,and the phase of biological theories.Prosocial behavior has been studied since the nineteen-fifties and sixties. The earliest researches explained the underlying mechanism of prosocial behavior from an evolutionary perspective, arguing that prosocial behavior of human and animals usually bases on evolutionary implication.Evolutionary theories include the kin selection theory, group selection theory, and altruistic theories. The kin selection theory predicts that humans and animals are more inclined to help relatives than unrelated individuals, which can successfully transmit one’s genes to the next generation, benefiting humans and animals in terms of inclusive fitness. The group selection theory is another explanation based on the inclusive fitness, arguing that the group with more prosocial members will have bigger advantage than the group with more selfish individuals when two groups are in competition with one another. Both reciprocal altruism and strong reciprocity can explain the preosocial behavior between strangers.Three models explain prosocial behavior in term of cognitive activities, including the arousal: cost-reward model, social information processing model, and a two-stage model of donation decisions. The arousal: cost-reward model assumes that individuals analyze the circumstances and weigh the probable costs and rewards of prosocial behavior before acting. But the findings of Baston showed against this model. There are five sages in the social information processing model: encoding, interpretation and representation, response search, response decision, and enactment. But the two-stage model of donation decisions only refers to two stages. These are the initial decision to donate money and the later decision on how much money to donate.Buck posits that the left hemisphere is more strongly associated with prosocial emotions that facilitate prosocial communication than is the right and argues that there are communicative genes. Another two models also attempt to understand the biological mechanisms that underlie prosocial behavior.Such as that the neural networks of cooperation recruited the reward system, the cognitive control system, and the social cognition system, whereas the neural networks of altruistic punishment involves the reward system, the cognitive control system, and the emotional regulate system.The differences and relevance of these theories and models about the underlying mechanism were summarized. Suggestions for future research were also discussed based on the existing findings.
来源 心理科学 ,2014,37(5):1263-1270 【核心库】
关键词 亲社会行为 ; 进化理论 ; 认知理论 ; 生物基础理论

1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所, 北京, 100875  

2. 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-6981
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金 ;  北京市哲学社会科学“十二五”规划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5253944

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2 张雪姣 亲社会行为中的“眼睛效应” 心理科学进展,2017,25(3):475-485
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