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Monogenean of exotic fishes in China: Description of one new Chinese record genera and species of Ancyrocephalidae from Piaractus brachypomum


李海燕 1   姚卫建 2   许航喻 1  
文摘 记录采自天津和广东的淡水白鲳(Piaractus brachypomum)鳃上的1种单殖吸虫——航海柄囊虫Mymarothecium viatorum Boeger W A,Piasecki W & Sobecda E 2002。所获标本与Boeger等2002年的原始描述基本一致,但在量度上存在差异。柄囊虫属Mymarothecium和航海柄囊虫均为我国首次报道的单殖吸虫属种。
其他语种文摘 This paper reported a newly recorded monogenea in China, Mymarothecium viatorum Boeger W A, Piasecki W & Sobecda E 2002, found on the gills of an exotic fish, Piaractus brachypomum, from Tianjin and Guangzhou, Guandong province. The shape of our specimen basically agreed with the original description, but there were differences in measurement. Mymarothecium and M. viatorum were the first record of Genera and Species of monogenea.
来源 广东农业科学 ,2012,39(24):192-194 【扩展库】
关键词 淡水白鲳 ; 单殖吸虫 ; 航海柄囊虫 ; 中国新纪录

1. 广州大学生命科学学院, 广东, 广州, 510006  

2. 中国科学院水生生物研究所, 湖北, 武汉, 430072

语种 中文
ISSN 1004-874X
学科 动物学
基金 广东省广州市市属高校科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4750087

参考文献 共 3 共1页

1.  Boeger W A. Neotropical Monogenoidea. 44. Mymarothecium viatorum sp.n. (Ancyrocephalinae) from the gills of Pianractus brachypomus (Serrasalmidae, Teleostei) captured in a warm-water canal of a power plant in Szczecin, Poland. Acta Ichthyol Pisc,2002,32:157-162 被引 1    
2.  Cohen S C. A new species of Mymarothecium and new host and geographical records for M. viatorum(Monogenea: Dactylogyridae), parasites of freshwater fishes in Brazil. Folia Parasitol,2005,52:307-310 被引 1    
3.  Kristsky D C. Neotropical Monogenoidea. 28. Ancyrocephalinae (Dactylogyridae) of Piranha and their relativer (Teleostei, Serrasalmidae)from Brazil and French Guiana: species of Notozothecium Boeger and Kritsky, 1988 and Mymarothecium gen.n. J Helminthol Soc Wash,1996,63:153-175 被引 1    
引证文献 2

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2 熊向英 温度和光照对食蚊鱼寄生百慕大伴盐虫孵化的影响 南方水产科学,2018,14(3):107-112
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