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Hybrid grid deformation method based on background grid


文摘 混合网格已广泛应用于复杂外形的粘性流动模拟,能否将其推广应用于气动弹性研究,混合网格的变形方法成为主要问题。发展了一种混合网格变形方法,即生成一套非结构四面体背景网格,采用弹簧网络法进行背景网格变形,在背景网格与流场计算的CFD网格之间建立一种快速的代数插值方法,获得流场计算的混合网格变形。由于背景网格仅用于网格变形,不参与流场计算,物面网格可以与流场计算网格不一致,大大减少网格数量,提高弹簧网络法的变形能力和计算效率,进而提升流场计算混合网格的变形能力和计算效率。对于复杂外形流场网格和背景网格在物面的不一致可能造成的覆盖不完全问题,提出了同时生成覆盖流体域和固体域的多套非结构背景网格的方法,保证复杂外形计算时混合网格的高质量变形。由于背景网格采用全三维的线弹簧加扭转弹簧的动网格变形方法,大大提高了大变形的网格变形能力。首先以M6机翼的非结构和混合网格变形为例,与已有方法比较,验证本文方法的有效性;其次运用于三维转动、平动、弯曲变形等典型工况,说明方法对大变形的实用性;最后运用于气动弹性标模和机翼带外挂导弹的复杂外形的颤振特性计算,说明其处理复杂工程问题的能力。
其他语种文摘 Hybrid grid was widely used for the simulation of viscous flows with complex configurations. Hybrid grid deformation method becomes a major difficulty if hybrid grid can be applied for aeroelastic analysis. In this paper, a new mesh deformation method was developed, namely, an unstructured tetrahedral background grid was firstly generated, whose deformation was completed with the traditional spring network method including the torsion springs. Then a fast algebraic interpolation method between the background and the flow field grids was constructed to get the hybrid grid deformation. Because the background grid was only used for grid deformation, the number of the background grid could be decreased largely and its consuming time can be reduced largely. The deformation capability and efficiency of hybrid grid would also be improved. For the inconsistent of the object plane grids about the hybrid grid and background grid, the more than one background grid were generated, they have the same object plane grid and could cover the fluid domain and the solid domain. The method is firstly validated by the comparison with other methods. Then the method is applied for the three typical large deformation cases. Finally, the aeroelastic calculations for the standard wing AGARD 445.6 and a wing with external store were given to show the availability of the developed hybrid grid deformation method.
来源 振动工程学报 ,2011,24(5):473-481 【核心库】
关键词 动网格方法 ; 背景网格 ; 弹簧网络法 ; 代数插值 ; 气动弹性

中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院高温气体动力学重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1004-4523
学科 航空
文献收藏号 CSCD:4350402

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