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Applications of GPS on Meteorological Rocket Telemetry and Tracking


文摘 利用GPS全球定位系统、天线云台和宽波瓣天线组成的跟踪系统,研究了接收位置信息与跟踪之间的时间差,气象火箭理论弹道误差导致的中断跟踪,气象火箭探空仪分离后至初次定位前的跟踪,天线云台转到3590位置后反转3590及跟踪过程中跟踪中断后的继续跟踪等关键问题,成功实现了气象火箭探空仪的遥测跟踪,该跟踪系统在子午工程气象火箭试验中得到较好的应用,此种跟踪方式相比传统雷达跟踪方式具有体积小、重量轻、操作简单、成本低、机动性强、跟踪可靠性强等诸多优点,
其他语种文摘 A new tracking system composed of GPS global positioning system, antenna cloud platform and wide lobe antenna has been introduced. In traditional tracking systems, there is a time difference between the tracked position information and received position information, and the antenna cloud platform needs an inversion of 359?when it rotates to the phrase point. Besides these problems, traditional tracking systems may lose the target because of the theoretical trajectory error, and after the separation of meteorological rocket sonde, how to track it before the first positioning is also a problem that needs to be figured out. This new tracking system has solved all problems stated above as well as how to keep tracking the target after losing it, and has successfully performed the telemetry tracking of meteorological rocket sonde in the Meridian Project. Attributing to its small size, portability, easy operation, low cost, and favorable maneuverability and reliability, the new system has many advantages comparing with the traditional radar tracking mode.
来源 空间科学学报 ,2011,31(5):666-669 【核心库】
关键词 子午工程 ; 气象火箭探空仪 ; 遥测跟踪

中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-6124
学科 大气科学(气象学)
文献收藏号 CSCD:4312740

参考文献 共 4 共1页

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2.  GARMIN International Inc. GPS 15H & 15L Technical Specifications,2002 被引 2    
3.  . 佚名天鹰四号气象火箭系统. 固态火箭技术,2003,26(3):2-2 被引 1    
4.  方智. 全球定位系统(GPS)测量中坐标系转换及其坐标换算. 科技信息,2009(21):38-39 被引 1    
引证文献 2

1 许吉斌 双模导航武器的遥测天线自适应跟踪方法 探测与控制学报,2017,39(4):72-76,82
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2 郭岗岗 艇载声波测量临近空间风场可行性分析 空间科学学报,2019,39(2):200-204
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