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Current States and Development Trends of Energy Conservation in the Nonferrous Metals Industry


文摘 有色金属工业是典型的高耗能行业, 也是我国未来节能降耗的重点领域. 本文首先对我国"十一五"以来有色金属工业节能降耗的效果进行了评价. 根据初步数据核算, 2009年有色金属工业能源强度较2005年下降了22.34%, 主要技术指标也明显提高, 无论从整体能效指标还是从单产能耗指标均已提前达到规划目标. 在此基础上, 本文重点分析了我国有色金属工业节能降耗发展趋势. 结论显示: 技术进步仍是有色金属工业"十二五"期间节能的重要内容, 但随着能源技术达到或接近国际先进水平, 单纯依靠技术引进的节能潜力将逐渐缩小, 未来必须加强能源技术的研发和原始创新, 提高节能技术创新能力; 有色金属再生利用在未来节能中的作用将更加突出, 按照目前的技术状况, 2015年有色金属再生利用的年节能量将超过2000万t标准煤, 即使考虑到原生金属技术水平提高, 2015年有色金属再生利用的年节能量也将接近1500万t标准煤; 通过多产业协同发展可以实现节约能源和提高经济效益的双重效果, 循环经济的节能潜力巨大. 有色金属再生利用和发展循环经济是未来有色金属行业节能的重要途径. 最后, 提出了相关的政策建议
其他语种文摘 The nonferrous metals industry is a typical high energy-consuming industry and a major sector for future energy saving and emissions reduction in China.At first,effects of energy saving and energy consumption reduction of the nonferrous metals industry during the 11th Five-Year Plan were evaluated,and the estimation results of the initial data indicate that the energy intensity of the nonferrous metals industry in 2009 decreased by 22.34%compared to that in year 2005. Major technical targets were noticeably enhanced.According to the energy conservation plan of the nonferrous metals industry,industrial energy efficiency and per-unit product energy consumption goals were met.On the other hand,energy saving achievements of the nonferrous metals industry still needs to be consolidated based on the situation in the first half of 2010.Then,development trends of nonferrous metals industrial energy conservation were analyzed.Some conclusions were drawn.Technological progress is still the main content of nonferrous metals industrial energy saving and energy consumption reduction during the 12th Five-Year Plan,but technology reaching or approaching advanced international standards will lead to decreasing energy saving potential relying solely on technology import.Therefore,the nonferrous metals industry must strengthen research&development and innovation of energy technologies and improve energy-saving technological innovation capacity in the future.Recycling and reusing of wasted metals will play an increasingly important role in energy saving of the nonferrous metals industry.At a rough estimate,annual energy saving of recycling and reusing of wasted metals in 2015 will exceed 20 million tce according to current technologies.Even considering technology improvement in the production of primary nonferrous metals,annual energy saving of recycling and reusing of wasted metals in 2015 will still approach 15 million tce.The circular economy can effectively reduce energy consumption and improve economic benefits through muti-industry cooperative development and has double efforts.Developing the circular economy would boast great potential in nonferrous metals industrial energy saving.Recycling and reusing of wasted metals and developing the circular economy will be the important ways of future energy conservation in the nonferrous metals industry.At end of this paper,some policy advice was proposed.Future energy conservation policy of the nonferrous metals industry will focus on improving mechanisms of industrial technology upgrading,optimizing product mix,cultivating energy-saving technological innovation environment,promoting a healthy development of the secondary non-ferrous metals industry,and making energetic efforts to develop the circular economy
来源 资源科学 ,2011,33(4):647-652 【核心库】
关键词 有色金属工业 ; 节能效果 ; 节能潜力 ; 再生有色金属

中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所, 北京, 100732

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:4177443

参考文献 共 5 共1页

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