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Surface-layer Wind Energy Resources over the Poyang Lake Area


文摘 在鄱阳湖区4座测风塔历时1年逐10分钟梯度观测的资料基础上, 统计分析了该地区平均风特征和风能资源参数. .结果表明:鄱阳湖区风速随着高度升高而增加较为缓慢, 风切变指数较平原地区明显偏小, 在湖区北部的狭长地带, 狭管效应对风速的增强作用较为明显; 受地形的影响, 鄱阳湖北部狭管内风廓线分布高度一致, 狭管内外明显不同; 鄱阳湖区地势低洼的地方湍流强度高于地势较高的地方的湍流强度, 山脊处湍流强度随高度变化不明显, 在狭管内, 湍流强度较狭管外开阔湖面小; 鄱阳湖区风场各高度层Weibull尺度因子值在4.92~7 .49之间, 各高度层Weibull形状参数值在1.49~1.84之间. 观测塔位于山脊上的长岭的层形状参数和射山的尺度因子值随高度的变化趋势不同于另外两个测风塔
其他语种文摘 Based on ten-minute gradient wind observations of the latest year obtained from four meteorological towers in the Poyang Lake area, characteristics of average wind speed and parameters associated with wind energy resources were comprehensively analyzed. In terms of numerical simulation results from the MM5 model which were validated,we calculated wind energy resources around the Poyang Lake area covering an area of 30 344.2 km2.It was found that there are approximately 54 559×106 W exploitable wind energy resources in terms of wind power density larger than 150W/m2 at a 50 m height. Using the numerical simulations combined with ground-based measurements,it was found that the most abundant wind resources are primarily distributed over the lakeshore and mountain around the lake in the northern Poyang Lake area. In long and narrow areas of the lake, such as Zhaohu, Changling, Daling, Jishanhu, and Laoyemiao, the mean annual average wind speed is generally over 6.0 m/s and the mean annual wind power density was estimated to be 300 W/m2 at a 10 m height. But in areas around the long and narrow lake and around the southern portion of the lake, the wind speed decreases significantly, suggesting a mean annual speed of(4~5)m/s, and a mean annual wind power density ranging from 120 to 180 W/m2.As far as temporal distribution is concerned, the wind speed is largest in winter and smallest in June. It was also found that over the Poyang lake area, the wind speed increases incrementally with height,so the wind shear index is significantly smaller than that in the plain. The average wind shear index of the four meteorological towers is 0.083,0.094,0.009, and 0.020, respectively. The effect of narrow tube makes the wind speed increase significantly. As for the topographic effects on near-surface wind energy resources, the distribution of wind profile maintains almost the same in northern Poyang Lake, but varies greatly outside and inside the narrow tube area. The turbulence intensities at low elevations are essentially stronger than that at high elevations, and vary slightly with height in the ridge. The turbulence intensities in the narrow tube area are smaller than that in other open areas. In the Poyang Lake area, the values of the Weibull scale factor are generally between 1.49 and 1.84 at all levels. The values of the Weibull shape parameter are from 1.49 to 1.84.The shape parameter at Changling and the scale factor at Sheshan are different from the other two wind towers
来源 资源科学 ,2011,33(1):184-191 【核心库】
关键词 风能资源 ; 特征 ; 鄱阳湖区

江西省气象科学研究所, 南昌, 330046

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  公益性行业(气象)科研专项 ;  江西省科学支撑计划课题: "鄱阳湖区风能资源详查与特性研究"
文献收藏号 CSCD:4123977

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