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Relationships between the section parameters and stability against sliding of check-dam against debris flow


文摘 为了揭示泥石流重力式拦砂坝各剖面参数的变化对坝体稳定的影响规律,利用坝体抗滑稳定计算基本公式,在对不同性质泥石流(稀性泥石流和黏性泥石流)的两种荷载条件下(空库和满库)拦砂坝稳定性计算分析的基础上,推导出泥石流重力式拦砂坝的剖面参数与抗滑稳定系数的关系式.结果表明:当冲击力足够大时,抗滑稳定系数与拦砂坝高度和迎水面坝面坡度均呈正比,且抗滑稳定系数对迎水面坝面坡度更加敏感;其他受力状态时,抗滑稳定系数与迎水面的坝面坡度成正比,与拦砂坝高度成反比.基于推出的计算公式,提出了坝体剖面参数拟定的新方法,对坝体剖面进行优化
其他语种文摘 The paper is to discover how the section parameters of check-dam against debris flow effect its stabilization. As is known, dam is the most important engineering measure in the debris flow disaster prevention system. In general, majority of the design methods of existing debris flow dams based on the hydraulic design. According to the engineering practice flow, the profile parameters of dam is drawn first, the dam's stability against sliding is then checked, followed by the modification of section size based on the preliminary analysis until the design requirements are met. Such method is time consuming, possesses great limitation and low in efficiency. In order to improve the precision and also the efficiency of dams design, based on the function of stability against sliding of gravity dam and upon two kind of load conditions (empty reservoir and filled reservoir) of debris flow with different fluid properties (thin debris flow and coherent debris flow), this paper has derived the formula expressing the relationship between the section parameter and the gravity check-dam against debns flow. By using MATLAB software to analyze theirs relationship, the results show that while the impact force is very large, the relationship between stability coefficient and dam slope of the positive side as well as height are in direct proportion. Stability coefficient is more sensitive to the dam slope of positive side. Under another stressful condition, the relationship between stability coefficient and dam slope of the positive side is in direct proportion, but height is in inverse proportion. By using the mathematical formulae derived from this paper,a new and simple expressing method to estimate the section parameters of the check-dam against debris flow has been created,in comparison with the traditional method. This study has certain practical guides to improve the efficiency and accuracy of check-dam design against debris flow and helps to optimize the structural profile
来源 安全与环境学报 ,2010,10(6):197-201 【核心库】
关键词 防洪工程 ; 坝体安全 ; 泥石流拦砂坝 ; 抗滑稳定性 ; 剖面参数

中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所, 成都, 610041

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1009-6094
学科 地质学
基金 成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4100204

参考文献 共 8 共1页

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引证文献 1

1 孙昊 黏性泥石流拦沙坝受力及稳定性分析 中国科学院大学学报,2018,35(5):635-644
被引 2


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