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Some Suggestions on Controlling Catastrophic Debris Flows on Aug. 8th,2010 in Zhouqu, Gansu


文摘 甘肃舟曲三眼峪和罗家峪"8.8"特大泥石流灾害,是新中国建国以来人员伤亡和财产损失最为严重的一次泥石流灾害事件.灾后,三眼峪和罗家峪内山坡和沟道仍堆积大量松散固体物质,寨子沟,老鸦沟,硝水沟和龙庙沟泥石流潜在危险大,流域水土流失加剧,环境承载力差,现有防灾能力不足,白龙江舟曲段河道淤塞严重,未来泥石流发生不可避免.基于此,提出以防灾减灾为着眼点,以治灾和消灾为立足点,全面提高舟曲城区泥石流防灾能力,与白龙江河道整治,城区防洪设施建设改造和区域生态环境保护相结合的灾害防治指导思想.泥石流治理应遵循全面规划,综合治理,以工程治理为主,生态环境保护与工程治理相结合,以拦为主,确保足够拦沙库容,拦排结合,以治沟为主,治沟和治坡相结合的基本原则.建议以历史上出现的最大规模灾害,即"8.8"泥石流作为三眼峪,罗家峪泥石流的设防标准,对寨子沟,老鸦沟,硝水沟和龙庙沟采取100a一遇的泥石流设防标准,采取拦排措施与生物措施相结合的综合治理方案.通过稳坡坝,护岸坝,拦沙坝,抗滑桩和挡墙,泥石流停淤场,泥石流排导工程,河道疏浚等工程措施和植物措施,构建完整的泥石流防治体系,确保舟曲县城和下游人民生命财产的安全
其他语种文摘 the debris flow catastrophe which broke out in Sanyanyu and Luojiayu ravines, the tributaries of Bailongjiang River,in north and east of Zhouqu, Gansu Province at midnight on August 8th,2010.is the most serious disastrous events of lives and properties losses in P.R. China. After the disasters occurred, there are ten million cubic meters solid materials in the ravines, Sanyanyu, Luojiayu and other 4 ravines also have high risk for debris flow formation in near future. Based on studying the debris flow formation causes and hazards situation, construction distribution of the city, river bed and sand yield of Bailongjiang River, the guiding ideology and 5 prevention principles are put forward in the paper, which is to combine the engineering and biological measures,to take engineering measure as the dominant factor and to combine the regulating measures and draining measures, taking regulating measure as the dominant factor. Author thinks that the scale of debris flow on August 8th can act as the controlling standard of Sanyanyu and Luojiayu ravines, the other 4 ravines can choose frequencies of 1% as their standard. Some countermeasures such as blocked dams, embankment dams, slope stabilized dams, debris floe channel, river bed engineering works and biological measures et al are used for protecting peoples and properties in Zhouqu. At last, some controlling ideas are suggested for government and managing departments
来源 山地学报 ,2010,28(5):635-640 【核心库】
关键词 泥石流 ; 舟曲 ; 治理 ; 原则 ; 标准 ; 措施

中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所, 中国科学院山地灾害与地表过程重点实验室, 四川, 成都, 610041

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1008-2786
学科 地质学
基金 中国科学院舟曲灾后重建环境资源承载力综合评价项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4072672

参考文献 共 4 共1页

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引证文献 8

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2 贾世涛 拦沙坝调节泥石流拦挡与输移性能的试验研究 岩石力学与工程学报,2011,30(11):2338-2345
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1. 西藏林芝古乡沟天磨沟培龙沟泥石流监测部分数据(2019-2020)

2. 中亚-西亚滑坡泥石流空间分布数据集(2018-2021)

3. 中巴经济走廊泥石流危险性评估(2021)

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