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Study on Comparison of Quantitative Multistate Character of Infructescence of Amomum tsao-ko from Five Populations


文摘 目的:探讨草果不同居群花序小花数量和果序结实率的差异,及其与海拔,经纬度等环境因素的关系.方法:观测和分析草果5个居群果序的数量性状.结果:保山,贡山,金平,马关,西畴5个居群的花序小花数量有极显著的差异,海拔越高,花序小花数量越少;经度越高,花序小花数量越多.环境温度和湿度影响花序小花数量的形成,环境温度越低,气温日较差越大,相对湿度日变化越大,花序小花数量越少.花序小花数量与果序结实率成显著的负相关性.5个居群的果序结实率没有显著差异,多重比较结果显示马关居群与保山居群,贡山居群,西畴居群有显著差异;结实率与海拔,经纬度没有显著的相关性.结论:花序小花数量受环境因素的影响,海拔高度变化引起的气侯变化对花序小花数量产生极显著影响.从提高结实率的角度考虑,草果优良种源的筛选,并不是花序小花数量越多越好.草果植株遗传素质的不同可能是造成果序结实率差异的主要原因,采用分子生物学技术对其遗传多样性的研究是优良种源筛选的重要工作
其他语种文摘 Objective : To study the difference of the quantitative multistate character of infructescence of Amomum tsao-ko from five populations, and the correlations between the quantitative multistate character and altitude, longitude and latitude. Methods : By observing and analysising the quantitative multistate character of infructescence of Amomum tsao-ko from five populations. Results : There is highly significant difference among the number of flowerlets each inflorescence from five populations. The higher the altitude, the less the number of flowerlets each inflorescence; and the higher the longitude is, the more the number of flowerlets each inflorescence. The temperature and the humidity of the circumstance affects the number of flowerlets each inflorescence. Lower temperature, higher diurnal variation of temperature, and higher diurnal variation of relative humidity causes less number of flowerlets each inflorescence. There is significantly negative correlation between the number of flowerlets each inflorescence and the maturing rate of infructescence. The difference of the maturing rate of infructescence from five populations don't approach significant level. The difference of the maturing rate of infructescence approaches significant level by multiple comparisons between Maguan population and Baoshan population, Gongshan population and Xichou population. There is not significant correlation between the maturing rate of infructescence and the altitude, the longitude and the latitude. Conclusion : The factors of the circumstance affects the number of flowerlets each inflorescence. The climate by the change of the altitude affects the number of flowerlets each inflorescence highly significantly. Selecting the fine genetic resources of Amomum tsao-ko for high yielding, the number of flowerlets of inflorescence is not better character. Maybe the difference of the maturing rate of inflorescence is mainly caused by different genetic resources. Analysising the difference of genetic resources is important for selecting the fine genetic resources of Amomum tsao-ko
来源 中药材 ,2010,33(7):1034-1038 【核心库】
关键词 草果 ; 居群 ; 小花数量 ; 结实率 ; 海拔 ; 经纬度

云南中医学院中药材优良种苗繁育中心实验室, 云南, 昆明, 650500

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4454
学科 中国医学
基金 云南省自然科学基金 ;  云南中医学院科学研究基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4012547

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