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Effect of Freezing Saline Water Irrigation in Winter on the Reclamation of Coastal Saline Soil


文摘 冬季利用地下苦成水(9.59g/L)对滨海盐碱地进行成水结冰灌溉,灌溉水量为180mm,咸水融化入渗完成后覆以地膜以防止返盐(T),以不灌溉同期覆膜的地块作为对照1(CK1),以不做任何处理的地块作为对照2(CK2).种植作物为棉花.结果表明,冬季成水灌溉结冰、春季成水冰融化入渗后土壤各层次脱盐效果明显.春季成水冰融水入渗后.T处理0~20cm土壤表层含盐量由灌水前的0.69%降低到0.39%,脱盐效率为43.5%,显著高于CKI和CK2;而CKI和CK2由于受冬季土壤冻融积盐和春季强烈蒸发影响,0~20cm土壤表层出现强烈的积盐,土壤平均含盐量分别从0.63%和0.58%增加到1.44%和1.27%;在棉花播种期,T处理的土壤表层舍盐量为0.31%,而CK1和CK2土壤表层含盐量分别为0.65%和0.98%.由于T处理的土壤舍盐量低,适于棉花的播种出苗,播种后出苗率达76.8%,最终籽棉产量达3700.17kg/hm~2;而CK1和CK2由于土壤舍盐量高,几乎没有棉花出苗,最终棉花绝收.
其他语种文摘 Soil salinization and fresh water shortages are major constraints for crop productions and environmental rehabilitation in coastal plains around the Bohai Sea. Improving saline soils in such areas can greatly benefit agricultural productions and environmental protection in the context of fast economic development across the coastal zones of the Bohai Sea. Based on the mechanism of water desalinization by freezing and thawing processes, a field experiment was designed and conducted to investigate the water and salt dynamic of coastal saline soil with freezing saline water irrigation (9.59 g/L) in winter over coastal saline soils in Haixing County, Hebei Province. A total of 180 mm saline water was applied to experimental plots in January in year 2008, which was frozen well after irrigation under the condition of a lower temperature of-10.3 ℃. The soil surface was mulched with plastic film after the infiltration of melted saline ice water in order to prevent salt accumulation induced by high evaporation in spring. The plots were designed as follows: irrigation and plastic film mulching plots as T, no irrigation and mulching plots as CK1, no irrigation and no mulching plots as CK2. In this experiment the cotton was planted. Results showed that with infiltration of melted saline ice water, the surface soil was significantly desalinized. The surface soil salt content was decreased from 0.69% before irrigation to 0.39% after saline ice melting in the T treatment, while it was increased from about 0.60% to larger than 1.20% in the other two treatments. After plastic film mulching, the surface soil salt content further decreased due to decreases in evaporation. At the sowing time on April 23, in 2008, the surface soil salt contents were found to be 0.31% and 0.65% in T and CK1, respectively, while it showed a relatively high value of 0.98% in CK2. After sown cotton seeds, the emergency ratio of cotton was found to be 76.8% in the T treatment which was significantly higher than that in the CK1 and CK2 treatments. The surface soil salt content decreased further in each treatment with increases in the rainfall in summer, showing the resulting values of 0.24% , 0.29% and 0.64% in the T, CK1 and CK2 treatments, respectively. It was found finally that the seed cotton yield was 3700.17 kg/hm~2 in the T treatment. Because of relatively higher soil salinity, there were few cotton seeds germinated and no plant grown in the CK1 and CK2 treatments. The results obtained in the study indicated that the approach of freezing saline water irrigation in winter may benefit the use of local saline groundwater and improve coastal saline soil to some degree. The ultimate effect depends on many natural and human factors, such as soil chemical and physical properties, water quality and irrigation time and quantity. Further field experiments are required to formulate reasonable irrigation scheduling and related management methods.
来源 资源科学 ,2010,32(3):431-435 【核心库】
关键词 滨海盐土 ; 土壤盐渍化 ; 咸水结冰 ; 盐碱地改良

中国科学院农业水资源重点实验室, 河北, 石家庄, 050021

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 海洋学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目 ;  国家863计划 ;  国家科技支撑计划项目 ;  河北省科技支撑计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3867100

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