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Investigating Modes for Poverty Elimination through Developing Tourism Resources at County Levels in the Sanjiangyuan Region


李佳 1   成升魁 2   马金刚 2   钟林生 2 *  
文摘 随着我国旅游业的兴起,人们越来越认识到旅游在消除贫困上的潜力和能力,然而,要让旅游真正朝着有利于消除贫困的方向发展,必须对旅游的发展方式加以调整,因地制宜地选择旅游扶贫的模式.本文构建了三江源地区各县贫困程度和旅游资源禀赋评价指标体系,定量测度了各评价区的贫困度和旅游资源禀赋综合得分,并采用四象限法划分出资高贫低、双高、双低、资低贫高4种旅游扶贫类型区,在此基础上,提出适用于整个三江源地区的旅游扶贫基本模式为政府主导模式,以及各类型区的旅游扶贫辅助模式,即资高贫低区的政企合作模式,双高区的项目推动模式,双低区的产业联动模式,资低贫高区的大区带动模式.
其他语种文摘 Nowadays, Poverty is one of the biggest challenges worldwide. As a developing country, China is committing itself to alleviating poverty over vast western regions and remote mountainous areas. Specific functions and potential of developing tourism industries on alleviating poverty has been increasingly recognized. However, developing tourism resources without considering corresponding socio-economic factors does not necessarily lead to successfully alleviating poverty. Only through appropriately adjusting the development mode for tourism industries and suiting existing measures to specific conditions on endowments, development stages, locations and other socio-economic factors involved for a specific area can poverty alleviation be really achieved in a rational and effective way. In this paper, the authors performed a study on the mode for poverty alleviation through developing tourism resources over the Sanjiangyuan region (the source regions of the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lancang River) in Qinghai province, a typical ethnic poverty area located in the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This area administratively consists of 16 counties and 1 town, covering an area of 36.3 km2 and having a population of 650,000, including 540,400 minorities. In year 2007, mean annual net income per capita of the rural residents in this region was 2, 267 RMB, which was only equal to a half of the national average. An evaluation index system about the degree of poverty and an evaluation model about the endowment of tourism resources for each county in the Sanjiangyuan region were developed in succession. The evaluation index system about the degree of poverty consists of 21 indices which primarily encompasses four major aspects, i.e., economy, resources, society and population. The principal component analysis (PCA) method was adopted to identify primary influencing factors for the evaluation system. Also, a weighting summation involved in the evaluation model was used to quantify the quantity and rank of tourism resources. In terms of the evaluation results, four sub-regions, i.e., rich in resources and low poverty degree (RL), rich in resources and high poverty degree (RH), deficient in resources and low poverty degree (DL), and deficient in resources and high poverty degree (DH), were subsequently categorized with a four-quadrant method. From the evaluation results and a qualitative analysis given in this paper, it was suggested that the mode in which the government plays a leading role in realizing the goals of eliminating poverty through developing tourism industries in the Sanjiangyuan region should be taken as the first priority. Supplementary modes for different sub-regions were also put forward. The mode for developing tourism resources through the cooperation between the government and enterprise is basically for the RL, following as the project-driven mode for the RH, the industry linkage mode for the DL, and the big region-driven mode for the DH.
来源 资源科学 ,2009,31(11):1818-1824 【核心库】
关键词 贫困度 ; 旅游资源禀赋 ; 旅游扶贫模式 ; 三江源地区

1. 首都经济贸易大学工商管理学院, 北京, 100070  

2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 社会科学总论
基金 青海省旅游局科技项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3742372

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李佳 0000-0002-2934-8356
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